Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The French Center Staff Gone on 3-Daylong Strike

he Coordinating Committee for Labor Rights and Liberties The French Center Staff Gone on 3-Daylong Strike The staffs of the Cairo-based French Culture Center have been on strike—a 3-daylong strike, since Sunday March 9, 2008. The strike has been ignited on protest against the management's lay-off plan that started with firing 20 Egyptian employees. The management sent the staffs an ultimatum requiring them to present resignations in return for granting them a month-pay for each year. In case of rejection, the management threatened, they will be fired without receiving any financial remedy. While this pressure had yielded results with some staffs, it failed with the others. Further, to preclude their strike, the management had compelled the employees to take a non-paid holiday.
Confronting these arbitrary and unilateral decisions, the syndicate affiliated with the French Foreign Office (CFDT-MAE) had submitted to the French Foreign Minister, on behalf of its members, an ultimatum of going on strike. More important, the CFDT-MAE condemned the management's conduct in a press release titled 'No to Staff's Lay-off in Cairo and Alexandria '. It described it as an uncalculated initiative, and denied the pressures the management used to compel the employees to bargain individually.
In solidarity with the fired staff, the Coordinating Committee for Labor Rights and Liberties not only condemns the management's arbitrary decisions, but also condemns the Egyptian departments and the Ministry of Labor Forces for their failure in preserving the rights of Egyptian employees. 10 March 2008

إضراب موظفي المركز الفرنسي
عن العمل لمدة ثلاثة أيام
بدأ اليوم الأحد 9/3/2008 ولمدة ثلاثة أيام، العاملون بالمركز الثقافي الفرنسي إضراباً عن العمل وذلك بمقر المركز بالمنيرة، وذلك احتجاجاً علي خطة تسريح الموظفين المصريين، والتي بدأتها الإدارة المصرية بالفصل التعسفي لعدد عشرين موظف معينين محلياً.
وقد أرسلت الإدارة إنذارات للموظفين وطلبت منهم أن يتقدموا باستقالاتهم في مقابل صرف شهر فقط عن كل سنة، وهو ما يخالف قانون 12 قانون العمل المصري الذي يطبق عليه، وإلا قامت بفصلهم بدون أن تعطيهم أي حقوق، وقد خضع عدد قليل جداً من العاملين للضغوط، فيما رفض الآخرون هذه الضغوط، وقد قامت الإدارة بإجبار الموظفين علي إجازة بدون آجر، لكي تمنعهم من الإضراب عن العمل.
هذا وقد أصدرت كلاً من النقابة المحلية للموظفين المصريين العاملين بالمراكز الثقافية الفرنسية إنذار بالإضراب جاء فيه ' في مواجهة هذه القرارات التعسفية والأحادية الجانب المتخذة من طرف الإدارة أعلنت نقابة CFDT- MAE بالخارجية الفرنسية، باسم المشتركين فيها في جميع ملحقات السفارة، إنذار بإضراب لدي وزير الخارجية الفرنسي'
هذا كما أصدرت نقابة CFDT نشرة إعلامية بعنوان ' لا لتسريح الموظفين المحليين في القاهرة والإسكندرية!'، وقد أدانت النشرة الإعلامية تصرف مدير المركز الثقافي الفرنسي في القاهرة والإسكندرية، ووصفت فصله لـ 20 موظف من المعينين محلياً بالمبادرة غير المحسوبة ، كما استنكرت الضغوط ومحاولات الضغوط المعنوية التي قامت بها الإدارة لكي تدفع الموظفين علي الاستقالة ولكي يأتوا للتفاوض بشكل فردي.
هذا وتتضامن اللجنة التنسيقية للحقوق والحريات النقابية مع موظفي المركز الثقافي الفرنسي وتدين ما تقوم به الإدارة تجاه الموظفين المصريين، من فصل تعسفي مخالف لقانون العمل المصري الذي يطبق عليهم، كما تدين وزارة القوي العاملة والمؤسسات الحكومية التي لا تقوم بدورها تجاه الحفاظ علي حقوق العمال والموظفين المصريين.
اللجنة التنسيقية للحقوق والحريات النقابية والعمالية
يوم 10/3/2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who will protect workers’ rights in this country?

Land Center for Human RightsCairo

Who will protect workers’ rights in this country?
Hundreds of thousands of workers’ complaints and lawsuits are being discussed and deliberated before the Egyptian courts and quintuplet committees for several years now, as farmers are demanding their rights since the issuance of the a decision by the supreme constitutional court no. 26/27 judicial with the unconstitutionality of articles no. 71 and 72 of the labor law no. 12 for the year 2003 amended by law no. 90 for the year 2005.
The labor law no. 12 for the year 2003 has canceled the labor complaints concerning salaries from being deliberated before the summary proceedings judiciary and substituted the tripartite committee with the quintuplet committee that required the necessity of the attendance of all of its members, which rarely happened leading to the postponement of the labor cases for long periods, which have made the legislator exchange unanimously with majority.
The LCHR and many other foundations and committees presented some remarks regarding the draft of the labor law before the People’s Assembly as follows:
The draft law canceled the guarantee of not firing workers before being presented before the tripartite committee, and giving the quintuplet committee a judicial authority although it is formed without any judges. The quintuplet committee doesn’t have the power or authority to return the fired worker to his work if it saw that he was arbitrary fired, it can only estimate the necessary compensation for the worker. While the legislator should have gave this committee the authority to obligate the work owner to rehire the arbitrary fired worker. The law also made the worker bear all the judiciary expenses of filing a lawsuit or challenge before the appeal court. Despite all these defects, the People’s Assembly has approved the issuance of this law in a clear violation to workers’ rights. The LCHR wonders, why would the government push workers towards despair from achieving their demands and obtaining their rights legally, forcing them to find their rights with different ways?
LCHR demands the People’s Assembly to quickly form a committee with the Ministries of Manpower and Justice to issue ministerial decisions that apply with the labor law and the International Labor Organization agreements to protect the rights of fired workers especially after the issuance of a decision by the supreme constitutional courts reconsidering the procedures of firing workers, quickly settling the labor cases deliberated before the quintuplet committees and compensating the workers for any disadvantages or detriments.
LCHR also calls all civil society organizations and Egyptian parties to defend workers’ rights and demands to equality, citizenship and decent living.
For more information, please contact the Center

من يحمى حقوق العمال فى هذا الوطن؟
للعمال رب سوف يعطيهم حقوقهم فى ظل حرمانهم من الحماية والامان!!
مئات الالاف من الدعاوى العمالية المنظورة امام المحاكم والمتداولة امام اللجان الخماسية منذ عدة سنوات والتى ويطالب فيها العمال بحقوقهم تم احالتها للدوائر العمالية مع بدية عام 2008 بعد الغاء اللجان الخماسية نتيجة صدور حكم من المحكمة الدستورية العليا رقم 26 لـ27ق بعدم دستورية المادة 71،72 من قانون العمل رقم 12 لسنة 2003 .
وتعود المشكلة الى انه منذ صدور القانون رقم 12 لسنة 2003 .. والذى الغى نظر الدعاوى العمالية المتعلقة بصرف المرتب امام القضاء المستعجل واستبدل اللجنة الثلاثية بالخماسية وجعل لها اختصاص قضائى وصادف انشائها بعض المعوقات بسبب ضرورة انعقادها بكامل اعضاءها ، وهو نادر ما كان يتحقق مما كان يؤجل القضايا العمالية مواسم قضائية كاملة ، وتنبه المشرع الى ذلك فاستبدل الاجماع بالاغلبية .
وبعد ذلك بدأت اللجان تنعقد وتحركت العديد من الدعاوى مع المسار الجديد للبت فيها وجاء حكم المحكمة الدستورية العليا "بعدم دستورية نص المادتين (71) (72) من قانون العمل الصادر بالقانون رقم 12 لسنة 2003 معدلاً بالقانون رقم 90 لسنة 2005 وبسقوط العبارة الواردة بالمادة (70) من القانون ذاته والتى تنص على اذا لم تتم التسوية فى موعد اقصاه عشرة ايام من تاريخ تقديم الطلب جاز لكل منهما اللجوء الى اللجنة القضائية المشار اليها فى المادة (71) من هذا القانون فى موعد اقصاه خمسة واربعون يوماً من تاريخ النزاع والا سقط حقه فى عرض الامر على اللجنة، ولاى منهما التقدم للجهة الادارية بطلب لعرض النزاع على اللجنة المذكورة خلال الموعد المشار اليه ،وسقوط قرار وزير العدل رقم (3539) لسنة 2003 بتشكيل اللجان الخماسية بالمحاكم الابتدائية .
وقد احدث هذا الامر اليأس للعمال أصحاب الدعاوى الذين افقدهم هذا الحكم الامل فى سرعة البت فى دعاواهم والحصول على حقوقهم.
حيث اعقب صدور هذا الحكم توقف العمل باللجان الخماسية بالمحاكم واصبحت لا وجود لها الامر الذى اضر بمصالح العمال المتقاضين ، والشئ الغريب ان مركز الارض ومؤسسات ولجان كثيرة ابان صدور مشروع قانون العمل تقدم لمجلس الشعب بملاحظاته على المشروع وجاء بنص الرسالة الموجهة لمجلس الشعب الانتقاد بعدم دستورية نص المادتين 71/72 من المشروع وجاء بالانتقادات:
ان المشروع الغى ضمانه عدم جواز فصل العامل قبل العرض على " اللجنة الثلاثية" وجعل اللجة الخماسيه ذات "طابع قضائى "،رغم تشكيلها من غير القضاه .
ان اللجنة الخماسية ، لا تملك سلطة اصدار الحكم بعودة العامل المفصول الى عمله اذا رأت ان فصله عن العمل كان تعسفياً وتقتصر سلطتها فى هذه الحالة على تقدير " التعويض" المستحق للعامل ، وكان الاجدر بالمشرع ان يعطى لهذه " اللجنة" صلاحية الزام صاحب العمل بعودة العامل المفصول بشكل تعسفى .
كما انتقص المشرع من حقوق العامل النقابى فى حالة الفصل ، حيث كانت المادة 66 من القانون الملغى 137 توجب على المحكمة " ان تقضى بعودة العامل المفصول الى عمله اذا كان فصله بسبب نشاطه النقابى الا ان نص المادة 71 من القانون اكدت على انه " اذا كان انهاء عقد العامل بسبب نشاطه النقابى وجب على اللجنة ان تقضى باعادته الى عمله اذا طلب ذلك" اى انها علقت الحكم على طلب العامل النقابى.
كما القى القانون بعبء مصاريف رفع الطعن من قرار اللجنة امام محكمة الاستئناف على كاهل العمال ، بينما كان الاجدر بالمشرع النص على وجوب قيام اللجنة بتقديم الطعن فى حالة رغبة العامل فى ذلك .ومع ذلك اصدر مجلس الشعب القانون بالشكل المعيب فى تعدى واضح على حقوق العمال فى نظر منازعاتهم امام القاضى الطبيعى ، وذلك بتجاهل وتعدى واضح لسلب العمال لصالح اصحاب الاعمال وجهات الادارة
والمركز يتساءل ... لماذا تدفع الحكومة العمال الى اليأس من تحقيق مطالبهم وحقوقهم بالاطر القانونية ولمصلحة من دفع العمال الى الاحباط واضطرارهم لاتباع اساليب اخرى بعد الفشل فى الحصول على حقوقهم عن طريق المحاكم ؟.
ويطالب مركز الارض مجلس الشعب بسرعة تشكيل لجنة مع وزارة القوى العاملة ووزير العدل لوضع قرارات وزارية دستورية تتفق مع قانون العمل واتفاقيات منظمة العمل الدولية لحماية حقوق العمال المفصولين خاصة بعد صدور حكم المحكمة الدستورية واعادة النظر فيما صدر من قرارات تتعلق بالاجراءات اللاحقة لفصل العمال امام مديريات القوى العاملة واصدار قرارات من شأنها سرعة البت فى القضايا العمالية المنظورة قبل تشكيل اللجان الخماسية والتى احيلت من دوائر عمالية الى هذه اللجان خلال فترة لا تزيد عن ستة شهور مع تعويض العمال عن الاضرار التى لحقت بهم بسبب اجراءات وقوانين الحكومة التى تصدر من مجلس الشعب الذى يتسم بأغلبية ثابتة لحزب الحكومة وتصوت لصالح مشروعات قوانينها والتى تؤدى الى المماطلة فى استرداد حقوق العمال وتعويضهم عما لحقهم من اضرار
وكما يدعو المركز كافة مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى والاحزاب المصرية بالدفاع عن العمال المطالبين بحقوقهم عن طريق المحاكم وسرعة البت فى قضاياهم وتعويضهم عما لحقهم من اضرار كفالة لحقوقهم فى المساواة والمواطنة والحياة الكريمة .

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Demitris christofias

We here in Cyprus are pleased because through many years of struggle and the services rendered by the Party of the Working People and the our Trade Union Movement we have a powerful, class conscious workers movement which has gained the trust of our people. There is in general in Cyprus a strong trade union movement and the unity in action in its ranks has reached a high level. AKEL, PEO and the broader Popular Movement play a decisive role in Cypriot life. With their prestige and strength they represent the most trustworthy and reliable force against neo-liberalism. The intervention of the Left in Cyprus is such that the neo-liberal policies of Brussels are not only facing resistance but are also to some extent being blocked

Demitris Christofias's Speech at the meeting against neo-liberal policies , Nicosia 3rd March 2007


ونحن هنا في قبرص سعداء لاننا وعبر النضال والخدمات التي يقدمها حزب الشعب العامل وحركتنا النقابيه نتملك القوة ، لقد كسبت الحركة الواعية للطبقة العاملة ثقة الشعب ، فى قبرص الان اوسع حركة شعبية تلعب الان دورا حاسما في الحياة القبرصيه
من الكلمه التي ألقاها في الاجتماع ضد السياسات الليبراليه الجديدة ، فى نيقوسيا مارس 200
Demitris christofias The current President of Cyprus Long live the struggle of Communists struggle of the working class lived We have sent several parties _ the Palestinian People's Party and the Communist Party of the Greek Communist Party and the Indian Communist Party and the Egyptian Popular Front telegrams of congratulations to AKEL party secretary and current President of Cyprus
Demitris christofias
الرئيس الحالى لقبرص عاش نضال الشيوعين عاش نضال الطبقة العاملة ولقد
ارسلت العديد من الاحزاب_ حزب الشعب الفلسطينى الحزب الشيوعى اليونانى والحزب الشيوعى الهندى والحزب الشيوعى المصرى والجبهة الشعبية برقيات تهنئة الى سكرتير حزب اكيل والرئيس الحالى لقبرص

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Venezuela Table of Contents

Venezuela Table of Contents
Venezuela entered the 1990s poised to become a leading international producer of coal, iron, steel, aluminum, gold, and other minerals. In the late 1980s, the industry employed less than 1 percent of the labor force, accounted for less than 1 percent of GDP, and contributed 13 percent of exports. These figures were likely to increase, however, as expanded capacity became operational in the 1990s.
The state historically played a prominent role in mineral policy and production. Beginning in the 1970s, the government obtained or established scores of mining enterprises in its pursuit of heavy industrial development. By the 1980s, however, the huge debts incurred by these ventures contributed to the government's decisions to reconsider restrictive foreign investment policies and to liberalize mining laws in an effort to expand private-sector participation in mining. The CVG, the country's most prominent regional development corporation and the major player in mining, increasingly entered into joint ventures with foreign companies by the 1990s, when for the first time the CVG agreed to accept a minority share in some ventures. In addition to its role as planner and coordinator of most of the country's mining, the CVG was one of Latin America's largest industrial groups, with 30 subsidiaries and 41,000 workers in 1989. According to government sources, the CVG and its affiliates accrued US$1.3 billion in profits from 1985 to 1989 and generated US$3.3 billion in foreign exchange.
The bauxite and aluminum industry, traditionally smaller in size than iron and steel, installed significant new capacity in both mining and processing during the 1980s. As a result, aluminum became the country's second leading foreign exchange earner. By 1990 Venezuela boasted the largest installed capacity in aluminum in all of Latin America. Moreover, the country was believed to be world's most economical producer of aluminum because of its vast high-quality bauxite reserves, its abundant and cheap energy, and its well-developed infrastructure. Proven bauxite reserves stood at 500 million tons in 1990, with probable reserves as high as 5 billion tons. Overall, the country's smelters, including as many as 1,500 small foundries, produced approximately 443,000 tons of primary aluminum in 1988. About 60 percent of production, or nearly US$1 billion by value, was exported.
Commercial bauxite production, begun in 1987, reached 1 million tons in 1988 and was expected to reach 4.5 million tons in 1991. Much of the bauxite of Bauxita de Venezuela (Bauxiven; wholly owned by CVG) was processed at the Interamericana de Alْmina (Interalumina) plant in Puerto Ordaz. Opened in 1983, Interalumina produced 1.3 million tons of aluminum in 1988 from its plant's annual capacity of 2 million tons. Jointly owned by the CVG and a Swiss company, Alusuisse, Interalumina also controlled 50 percent of the Belgian Aleurope Aluminum Company, 40 percent of the Costa Rican firm Alunasa, and 20 percent of the United States company Wells Aluminum, thus providing it with worldwide marketing outlets.
Alcasa, the country's first aluminum processing plant, contained plants in Ciudad Guayana and Guacara in Carabobo by the 1980s. Alcasa's installed capacity, on the rise throughout the 1980s, was intended primarily for specialized overseas aluminum markets. In 1990 Alcasa had a 120,000-ton annual capacity for manufacturing primary aluminum. Alcasa's expansion plans for the 1990s foresaw a more than doubling of that capacity to as much as 300,000 tons per annum.
The country's other major smelter, the Industria Venezolana de Aluminio C.A. (Venalum), was also undergoing rapid growth in capacity. Although the CVG enjoyed majority ownership of Venalum, a consortium of Japanese industrial interests held a considerable minority stake.
The iron and steel industries represented the core of the mining sector before aluminum's rapid growth in the 1980s. Large- scale commercial mining of iron ore in Venezuela began in the early 1950s, when the Pérez Jiménez regime granted iron ore concessions to two United States steel companies, Bethlehem Steel and the United States Steel Corporation. Huge iron reserves, located near exploitable hydroelectric resources, combined with a growing national demand for steel to set the stage for the creation of a steel mill in 1955 near the confluence of the Orinoco and Caronي rivers. With the creation of the CVG in 1960, the state gained a greater role in the country's only major steel plant, which at that time produced mainly seamless pipes for the oil industry. One of the landmarks of the government's expanding role in the economy during the 1970s was the nationalization of the Orinoco Steelworks (Siderْrgica del Orinoco--Sidor) steel mill on January 1, 1975. Funding from the Venezuelan Investment Fund (Fondo de Juversiones de Venezuela--FIV) made possible a smooth settlement with the American steel companies.
The nationalized steel industry set ambitious goals for itself, goals it ultimately failed to meet. Slower internal growth dampened local demand, and the proliferation of new steel mills in other developing nations by the late 1970s reduced international demand. As a result, plans to build two new steel complexes were postponed indefinitely by the late 1980s.
After years of delays, technical bottlenecks, and government mismanagement, Sidor's expansion made the country self-sufficient in steel by 1982. By 1985 steel exports exceeded steel imports five-fold. High initial capital investment, however, made the Venezuelan industry unprofitable, and Sidor accrued a huge debt estimated at US$5 billion to US$10 billion, a substantial portion of Venezuela's debt burden in the early 1980s. Not until 1986 did Sidor show its first profit, US$70 million, but this fell to US$26 million in 1987. In 1990 the government reportedly was considering privatizing Sidor.
Foreign competition for exports remained the major challenge to Venezuela's steel industry in the early 1990s, as steel production continued to increase, rising from 2.7 million tons in 1985 to 3.6 million tons in 1988, and internal demand remained static. Complaints about the dumping of subsidized Venezuelan steel at below-average prices impaired greater market penetration in the 1980s. The government provided subsidies to the Sidor plant, mainly through special foreign exchange rates that allowed the company to purchase imported inputs at a low rate and to pay off its debts at a high rate. In 1982 the United States Department of Commerce accused Sidor of selling its steel in the United States at a 40 percent discount. This complaint led to a 1985 Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA) with the United States, which set a maximum export limit of 183,000 tons of steel a year. The two governments reestablished the VRA in 1989 at 280,000 tons a year, two-thirds of which were finished steel products. Venezuela also signed a VRA with the European Economic Community in 1987 after similar dumping allegations were made.
Although the state dominated the industry, some private steel milling went on in 1990. Sivensa, the country's only private steel mill, was generally profitable. In addition, the CVG operated as a minority shareholder in a steel plant called Metalmeg, which manufactured carbon steel products for the petroleum industry. In the late 1980s, the Kobe Steel Company of Japan also converted its Minorca iron briquette plant into a direct reduction steel mill, further expanding steel production capacity.
The basis of the country's controversial steel industry was its enormous iron ore reserves. As of 1990, the government estimates of iron reserves for the state of Guayana were 2.8 billion tons of high-grade ore (80 percent iron). The CVG iron subsidiary, Ferrominera, controlled iron ore mining at numerous mines, most notably El Cerro Bolيvar (southwest of Ciudad Guayana), El Pao (south of Ciudad Guayana), and San Isidro. Ferrominera's total installed annual capacity was 20 million tons in 1990. Iron production fell sharply after its peak year of 1974, but was on the rise again by the late 1980s. Iron ore production was 18.9 million tons in 1988. Ferrominera's completion of a floating transportation complex on the Orinoco in the late 1980s facilitated the industry's use of large shipping vessels, thus increasing exports and lowering costs. Exports of iron ore reached 11.7 million tons in 1987, with the United States, Europe, and Japan the leading purchasers.
Coal production also expanded rapidly during the 1980s. As with iron and bauxite, the country enjoyed large reserves of highly pure coal. The state of Zulia alone, for example, contained 900 million tons of proven coal deposits, with probable reserves as high as 2 billion tons. This made Zulia the largest underdeveloped coal field in the Americas. Besides Zulia's coal deposits, the country also possessed significant coking coal to fuel the newer steel mills, coal for thermal electricity generation, and various deposits of clean-burning "hard coal." Most coal deposits were found in the west near the border with Colombia or in the Orinoco Basin.
Three major coal mines accounted for most coal output in the late 1980s. Although not yet fully operational in 1990, the Carbones de Zulia (Carbozulia) mine was already the nation's largest. PDVSA owned roughly half of Carbozulia; a consortium of United States, Italian, and private Venezuelan companies accounted for the balance. The mine produced 822,000 tons of coal in 1988, and plans called for 6.5 million tons-per-year capacity by the mid-1990s. By contrast, the entire country produced only 62,000 tons in 1987. The United States, Italy, and Spain represented the major markets for Carbozulia's coal. The second major mine was the Minas Carbَn at Lobatera in Tلchira near the Colombian border, with reserves estimated at as much as 60 million tons. The third-leading producer, in Naricual in Anzoلtegui, boasted reserves of approximately 50 million tons. In addition to these operational mines, Venezuela had several other key coal zones that remained untapped in the 1980s.
Gold, known to exist since colonial times, did not become a major commercial endeavor until the 1980s. Miners long ignored the country's gold wealth because of its oil. Furthermore, the gold deposits were found mainly in the remote border regions with Brazil and Guyana. The government, however, increasingly prized its gold reserves, which stood at 11.5 million troy ounces in 1990, or roughly 12 percent of world reserves. Gold existed in Venezuela as an ore with quartz and in alluvial deposits found naturally with diamonds. The government acquired the El Callao gold mine in the state of Bolيvar in 1974 to better regulate gold prospecting and sales. The state succeeded in raising official gold production threefold from 1984 to 1989, pushing exports to over US$300 million a year. This made gold the second leading nontraditional export. Unofficial production, however, remained as high as 70 percent of total output.
After a decade of closely controlling private gold interests, the state opened up gold prospecting to foreign interests in the 1980s. In 1986 the CVG, in a joint partnership with a Bermuda- based company, formed Monarch Resources Limited to mine gold in the El Callao region. Private Venezuelan entrepreneurs also exploited the nation's gold reserves.
Venezuela also possessed varying amounts of other metals and minerals. For example, the country was a major producer of industrial diamonds, although diamond output fell steadily throughout the 1980s. The country also contained deposits of copper, nickel, zinc, lead, uranium, titanium, palladium, silicon, manganese, and chrome. Quarrying for industrial minerals such as feldspar, gypsum, hydrated lime, salt, nitrogen, phosphate rocks, gravel, barite, pyrophyllite, asbestos, bentonite, and magnesite was also common

One of the world's biggest oil producers saw its economy shrink nearly 10% in the second quarter.
The 9.9% drop is one of the biggest in Venezuela's history and partly reflects a fall in its oil revenues, which have been hit by cutbacks and protesting oil workers.
This year, the country has witnessed one attempted coup, lived through spiralling inflation and a deep devaluation of the bolivar against the dollar.
Venezuela's commerce minister Ramon Rosales warned against expecting a speedy recovery. "We must set rational expectations and not expect a second-half recovery to completely wipe out these declines," he said.

President Hugo Chavez has tried to bring in reformsThe government has brought in reforms to boost the economy but their effects have yet to be felt and some analysts believe it should seek an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) first.
Many Venezuelans are running out of patience with President Hugo Chavez's handling of the economy, particularly his interference with PDVSA, the state oil company.
Since the attempted uprising in April, there have been frequent street protests and fear remains there will be further upheaval.
Reliance on oil
Sales of crude oil and oil products accounts for 80% of Venezuela's exports. In the second quarter, the petroleum sector of the economy fell 16.7%.
"In the area of petroleum, the production of crude oil has been affected by the nation's agreement on cutbacks within OPEC ( the oil cartel)" the central bank said in a statement.
"The production of refined products was influenced by less external demand," it added.
Oscar Garcia Mendoza, president of the Banco Venezolano de Credit said the economy had been hurt by "monstrous devaluation, lack of investment and deflation."
"The political aspect is fundamental to these results," he said.


Russian diamond cutters ask Alrosa for VAT delay
Russian diamond cutters face shutdown of operations or domestic supplies if VAT tax waiver is abolished on January 1.Author: John HelmerPosted: Tuesday , 13 Nov 2007
Alrosa, Russia's dominant supplier of rough, has sent a notice to domestic diamond cutters, warning that from January 1, it will add 18% value-added tax (VAT) to its rough diamond pricing. The diamond cutters have told Mineweb that, while they understand the move as a cost-cutting expedient for Alrosa, the impact will be ruinous for the low-margin manufacturers. They have asked Alrosa to reconsider, and delay the move for another twelve months, in order to allow time for the government to be persuaded to send a zero-tax amendment to tax legislation for enactment by parliament.
There is suspicion that Alrosa's move is aimed at reducing the presence in Russia of foreign cutting enterprises, and boosting Alrosa's cutting plants at their expense. At present, Alrosa reports that its own polished sales amount to about $160 million per annum. This trails well behind sector leader, Smolensk Kristall, which is state owned, and reports sales of $358 million in 2006; and Ruis Diamonds, which is controlled by Lev Leviev, and sells over $300 million in polished. According to one of Moscow's leading cutters, "I wouldn't say that Alrosa is making this move intentionally to destroy the remainder of the Russian cutting industry, but this [VAT] decision would be a catastrophe."
The present Russian tax regulations allow VAT to be recovered from the state treasury that is paid on diamonds which are exported; though the time required for claims processing and reimbursement may be as long as nine months. Alrosa has opted until now to waive the VAT chargeable on its domestic sales, and thus, it has foregone the value it could claim back from the treasury. This is estimated at about 2.4 billion rubles (around $100 million), annually.
In current accounting, this uncollected VAT is treated in Alrosa's accounts as a cost of sales. An anonymous statement from Alrosa, released to a local wire service, said that the firming of the rouble has been raising Alrosa's domestic costs against the dollar value fetched by the company's rough diamond sales.
"In evaluating the impact of this decision on the cutting industry," Alrosa said, "we have to look at two fundamental factors. Al most all of the diamonds cut in Russia are then exported. It is profitable to cut large diamonds in Russia as demand for them in our country is minimal. So the VAT paid should be reimbursed out of the budget. Secondly, the vast majority of the so-called domestic cutting enterprises are owned by foreigners. Obviously once the decision takes effect the cutting enterprises will need additional working capital, namely for about six to eight months from the payment of VAT to its reimbursement from the budget. Since most cutting enterprises belong to non-residents they all get working capital from foreign banks at 4% - 5%. So, the additional costs resulting from the decision will be about 400 million rubles [$16 million] for all cutting enterprises in Russia."
Unstated is the relatively higher Russian bank interest charge for such credits to Russian manufacturers, and also for Alrosa, which reports that it currently operates six Yakutia-based and Moscow-based cutting plants. Company reports indicate that in 2006, polished sales amounted to $141.1 million. This was down 1.8% compared to 2005, but up 7.8% compared to the 2004 result. Alrosa's annual report for 2006 explained the downturn as due to "the lower currency efficiency coefficient" - read falling dollar to rouble - and also due to the dwindling of sales through a joint polishing venture with Lazare Kaplan International, a New York firm. In 2007, Alrosa says it expects to sell $159.7 million in polished.
In a speech at the Antwerrp Diamond conference last month, Alrosa chief executive Sergei Vybornov singled out one of Alrosa's polishing affiliates, Diamond World, claiming its profitability "amounts to 2.06% of their full cost price. This is less than the interest rate in Russian banks and far below the annual inflation rate. This is typical for Russian diamond processing factories. " Vybornov went on to call for the elimination of large numbers of cutting and dealing intermediaries. "The diamond's way from the mine to the jewelry store should be shortened to the maximum extent possible. We believe the ideal structure would be direct sales of rough diamonds to established globally jewelry brands."
Nikolay Zhuravlev, spokesman for Kristall Smolensk, told Mineweb that "the introduction of VAT would cost us 1-2% from revenues [$7 million]. Of course, we are very negative to such decision, as the cutting business is low margin itself, and any new expenses are a problem. So far as I know, the final decision was not made yet, and several options are still under discussion. We hope that VAT will not be introduced."
Ararat Evoyan, head of the Russian Diamond Manufacturers Association, told Mineweb his membership is hostile. "This move will bring the cutting business to loss-making. The world cutting industry is low- profit. The main reason is that De Beers and Alrosa and other producers monitor very carefully the price of cut diamonds, and they change the price of rough stones accordingly. All profits go to the rough producers." He conceded that Alrosa is within its legal right to end its tax waiver, and reintroduce VAT to its supply prices. He was skeptical that the government will agree to amend the current tax law to allow zero-rate VAT for diamond cutters. "The problem with the zero-rate is that it applies only to priority goods and the defense industry."
Evoyan said that the manufacturers association has proposed a further one-year tax waiver from Alrosa, to allow time to work out a tax code change.
Valeriy Morozov, director of Ruis and spokesman for Leviev's diamond interests in Moscow, told Mineweb "this is currently a vital question for everybody. Cutters are really hoping that VAT will not be introduced and Alrosa will withdraw its intention. This problem is familiar to everyone - Ministry of Finance, the Diamond Chamber, and others. When Alrosa had higher profits, it could disregard the [domestic VAT] losses, but now, when profit will decline due to various objective and subjective reasons, it can't."
Morozov said the practical implication for Russian cutting operations is that, with 18% VAT added to Alrosa's prices, the domestic cutters will not pay. "There are two outcomes for the cutters who will stop buying stones in Russia: to close their enterprises completely, or to buy Alrosa's stones in Belgium, Hong Kong and other markets."
Morozov said that the VAT waiver had originally been introduced a decade ago as a form of super-profits tax for Alrosa. The new VAT move will be a test of Alrosa's clout with federal financed officials. Either Alrosa is deterred by the federal government from reinstating the charge, Morozov said, or else the federal government will agree to amend the tax legislation, in order to grant zero-rate status to production of rough.
In 2006, Alrosa's sales to the domestic Russian market rose 3.6% to Rb44 billion ($1.6 billion), comprising just under half of total sales. Export revenues for sales to Western Europe, including the major markets of Antwerp and De Beers, dropped 5% to Rb26.9 billion; while sales to other markets, including Israel, fell more sharply to Rb23.4 billion, a decline of 10.1% compared to 2005.


19 February 2008.
The SACP has received the news that Cde Fidel Castro will not be available for the next term of office as President of Cuba and Chief Commander of the Cuban Armed Forrces.
We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Cde Fidel Castro for having been an exemplary revolutionary who led one of the most the inspiring revolutions in the 20th century against the dictatorship of Batista. Furthermore Cde Fidel and the Cuban people in general led a feisty battle to defend the revolution against the nearly fifty years of aggression from US imperialism through amongst other, hundreds of attempted assassination by the US government and the criminal blockade against Cuba .
The Cuban revolution has been successful and achieved a lot for the Cuban people. This is the revolution that has attained free education for the Cuban people, free access to health care and ensured that no Cuban goes to bed hungry.
The SACP also wishes to salute Cde Fidel Castro for his exceptional example in internationalism. The Cuban people sacrificed their lives struggling in the trenches with many liberation combatants in many parts of the developing world. Cuba , under the leadership of Fidel, also continued with this internationalism primarily through the services offered by many Cuban health and other professionals working in the poorest sections society in many developing countries.
It would therefore be proper that as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola – a battle that laid the basis for the liberation of Namibia and our own country – we also celebrate the life, contributions and internationalism of this great revolutionary!
Cde Fidel Castro led a revolution that still provides proof and an inspiration that there is indeed an alternative to the barbarism of capitalism and that, that alternative is socialism.
We are proud that in honour of Cde Fidel and the Cuban people, the SACP, at its 12th Congress in 2007, conferred upon this hero our highest honour, the Chris Hani Peace Award for his contribution to a just, equitable and caring world order.
The SACP remains confident that the Cuban revolution has produced enough leaders of Fidel’s calibre and that the Cuban revolution remains in safe hands.
Like we said to our Nelson Mandela on his retirement, Cde Fidel ’s retirement is well-earned and well-deserved. We wish him all the best!
Issued by the SACP.
يان الحزب الشيوعي في جنوب افريقيا على استقالة فيدل كاسترو
تلقى الحزب الشيوعى بجنوب افريقيا نبا تنحى فيدل كاسترو عن رائاسة كوبا والقوات المسلحة ونود ان نغتنم هذه الفرصة لتهنئة فيدل كاسترو لكونة مثال للثورى الذي قاد واحدة من أكثر الثورات الملهمة فى القرن العشرين ضد ديكتاتوريه باتيستا. وعلاوة على ذلك فان فيدل والشعب الكوبي خاضوا معركة تقرب من خمسين عام ،معركة للدفاع عن الثورة من عدوان الامبرياليه الامريكية ، والذى تمثل فى مئات من محاولات اغتيال دبرت من قبل حكومة الولايات المتحدة اضافة الى الحصار الاجرامي ضد كوبا
الثورة الكوبية قد حققت نجاحا وحققت الكثير ايضا للشعب الكوبي. هذه هي الثورة التي وفرت مجانيه التعليم للشعب الكوبي ، ووفرت الحصول على الرعايه الصحية واكدت ان ليس هناك فى كوبا من يصل الى فراشة جائعا . . ان الحزب الشيوعى فى جنوب افريقيا يحيي كاسترو كمثال استثنائى فى النضال ويحى االكوبين الذين ضحوا بأرواحهم في الخنادق مع العديد من المقاتلين الاخرين فى اجزاء عديدة من العالم النامي لتحرير هذة البلاد. .كما واصلت كوبا نضالها من خلال توفير الخدمات الصحية للكوبين وفرت ايضا لغيرهم من المهنيين العاملين بين افقر قطاعات المجتمع فى بعض الدول النامية . ولذلك سيكون من المناسب ان نحتفل بالذكرى السنويه الثلاثين لمعركة في انغولا معركة التي ارست الاساس لتحرير ناميبيا وبلدنا نحن نحتفل ايضا في الحياة ، والاسهامات العظيمة هذه الامميه الثوريه فيدل كاسترو قاد الثورة التي لا تزال تعطينا دليلا والهاما ان هناك في الواقع بديلا للهمجيه الراسماليه ، "هو ان الاشتراكيه هى البديل". ونحن فخورون بأن الحزب الشيوعى فى جنوب افريقيا كرم فيدل وكرم الشعب الكوبي فى الكونغرس الثاني عشر 2007 ، . ويؤكد الحزب الشيوعى انة لا يزال واثقا من أن الثورة الكوبية قد انجتت ما يكفي من القادة، وان الثورة الكوبية لا تزال في أيد أمينة. كما قلنا لدينا نيلسون مانديلا رغم تقاعده ،فيدل التقاعد هو جيد وكسبت عن جدارة.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

electricity workers Protests and the tension within the ranks of university professors

social movement yesterday
included labours of the chemicals sector , the electricity sector workers, movements of people , the marginalized classes, , the movements of jurists, and also variety of demands and power, where the move yesterday and some workers in the electricity sector, where workers protested the holding company for the electricity front of the headquarters of the company in Bab al loq demanding guarantees social insurance and demanded their shares ; on the other hand incentives and fund company In al sawais and has been moved a number of workers a company trast of chemicals in places far from their fellow workers, following repeated protest movements In Hurghada number of tenants threatened strike action shops, food, in the event of expulsion from their shops, where the local administration who have been threatened with eviction. This situation reminds us of situations that threatened the local departments of government in Egypt owners of the shops and Bazars In Luxor , as what happened in Suez -fish merchants and traders- before the Government expressed its desire to withdrawl their shops to Cairo governorate and end their rent contracts. On the other hand, continued movement of university professors that March 9 movement called to the use of picketing and strike mechanisms for the implementation of their demands for freedoms, and providing humanitarian standard with regard to salary and other demands. Demonstrated today a large number of Nasserists and nationalists at the tomb of late President Abdel-Nasser
تنوعت الحركة الاجتماعية بالامس حيث شملت العمال بقطاع الكيمايات ، وعمال قطاع الكهرباء، وتحركات اهالى ومهمشين ، وتحركات لمهنين ، وتنوعت ايضا فى مطالبها وقوتها ، حيث تحرك بالامس بعض العمال فى قطاع الكهرباء حيث تظاهر عمال الشركة القابضة للكهرباء امام مقر الشركة الرئيسى بباب اللوق مطالبين بضمانات اجتماعية وتامينية وطالب بصرف نصيبهم من الحوافز وصندوق الشركة و وفى السويس تم نقل عدد من العمال بشركة تراست للكيماويات فى اماكن بعيدة عن العمال زملائهم، على اثر تحركاتهم الاحتجاجية المتكررة
وفى الغردقة هدد عدد من مستاجرى المحلات بالاضراب عن العمل والطعام ،فى حال طردهم من محلاتهم حيث وجهت لهم الادارة المحلية تهديدات بالطرد . وهذا الموقف يذكرنا بحالات عديدة هددت فيها الادارات المحلية للحكم فى مصر اصحاب المحلات والبازرات ، ففى الاقصر هدد تجارها وقاموا باضراب نتاج نقلهم من امكانهم ، وكذلك فعل تجار الاسماك فى السويس ومن قبلهم قام تجار العبور بالاعتصام تجاة رغبة الحكومة ومحافظة القاهرة فى سحب المحلات المستاجرة لهم منهم وزيادة ايجارات محلات البعض .
ومن جانب اخر استمرت حركة استاذة الجامعة ،ودعت 9 مارس الى استخدام اليات الاعتصام والاضراب لتنفيذ مطالبهم المتعلقة بالحريات ،وتوفير مستوى انسانى فيما يخص الرواتب، وغيرها من المطالب .
وتظاهر اليوم عدد كبير من الناصرين والقوميين حول ضريح الرئيس الراحل عبد الناصر