We here in Cyprus are pleased because through many years of struggle and the services rendered by the Party of the Working People and the our Trade Union Movement we have a powerful, class conscious workers movement which has gained the trust of our people. There is in general in Cyprus a strong trade union movement and the unity in action in its ranks has reached a high level. AKEL, PEO and the broader Popular Movement play a decisive role in Cypriot life. With their prestige and strength they represent the most trustworthy and reliable force against neo-liberalism. The intervention of the Left in Cyprus is such that the neo-liberal policies of Brussels are not only facing resistance but are also to some extent being blocked
Demitris Christofias's Speech at the meeting against neo-liberal policies , Nicosia 3rd March 2007

ونحن هنا في قبرص سعداء لاننا وعبر النضال والخدمات التي يقدمها حزب الشعب العامل وحركتنا النقابيه نتملك القوة ، لقد كسبت الحركة الواعية للطبقة العاملة ثقة الشعب ، فى قبرص الان اوسع حركة شعبية تلعب الان دورا حاسما في الحياة القبرصيه
من الكلمه التي ألقاها في الاجتماع ضد السياسات الليبراليه الجديدة ، فى نيقوسيا مارس 200
Demitris christofias The current President of Cyprus Long live the struggle of Communists struggle of the working class lived We have sent several parties _ the Palestinian People's Party and the Communist Party of the Greek Communist Party and the Indian Communist Party and the Egyptian Popular Front telegrams of congratulations to AKEL party secretary and current President of Cyprus
Demitris christofias
الرئيس الحالى لقبرص عاش نضال الشيوعين عاش نضال الطبقة العاملة ولقد
ارسلت العديد من الاحزاب_ حزب الشعب الفلسطينى الحزب الشيوعى اليونانى والحزب الشيوعى الهندى والحزب الشيوعى المصرى والجبهة الشعبية برقيات تهنئة الى سكرتير حزب اكيل والرئيس الحالى لقبرص
1 comment:
wow comrade,
you have a fantastic blog
keep up the good work
and i hope we can communicate in the future
you are more than welcome to visit and comment on my blog
Best Of Luck
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