Today the sentence for the Ram women was established in Abdeen Court for on year. The court accused the three Ram women intimidating the police, and assault on staff servants. These charges were brought s during the protest movements. The movements aims were to claim alternative accommodation instead of dwellings that have been demolished. which ate fire in March of 2006. It is noteworthy that the people of the area of Ram areas, have been very active in protests and demonstrations to demand their right to accommodation, facilities and services. On the other hand, security attacked today to the people of the area of Kfar Height and the latest wounds between two people, who are being held today, Thursday, February 21, 2008 at the hospital Hlon Cairo. Security has attacked them while trying some of them approaching the convoy Suzanne Mubarak, wife of Egyptian President. We have already people lose height picket in front of the Egyptian people to demand alternative housing, which has been on Mlicthm of their homes were seized by the Ministry of Investment and agrarian reform for the construction of a water Helwan, which commented upon people that the acquisition of territory by the investors and not for the construction of a water. It also claims the Egyptian government
عرض اليوم الخميس 21فبراير ثلاثة نساء من منطقة قلعة الكبش على محكمة عابدين وذلك لمعارضة الحكم الصادر عليهم بسجن لمدة عام ولقد تم توجية التهمة لهم اثناء احدى التحركات الاحتجاجية التى قام بها اهالى منطقة الكبش منذ حريق منازلهم فى مارس من عام 2007 وعلى صعيد اخر اعتدى الامن على اهالى كفر العلو وتسبب فى اصابات عديدة مما ادى الى نقل اثنين منهم الى مستشفى حلون ولقد اعتدى الامن على الاهالى اثناء محاولتهم الاقتراب من موكبة حرم الرئيس ولقد كانو اهل العلو من ضمن المناطق العشوائية التى خرجت رافعة راية الفعل المطلبى من اجل سكن بديل وذلك عندما قام الاصلاح الزراعى ووزارة الاستمار بالاستيلاء على ارضهم للانشاء محطة مياة لكن الاهالى ذكرو ان الغرض من ما تم هو استيلاء المستثمرين على الارض لا بغرض انشاء محطة مياة حيث تتوفر المياة بالمنطقة
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