Guevara talking about rights model that should be there should not be that the human person is the person nineteenth century or even twenty-first century is the man Twenty, so we have precious Bjelba of Marxism-Leninism and Guevara adds, "The great public awareness grows and the
possibilities for the development of all physical Membership of full development by making our most productive "talks about art and culture, stressing the need to expand the field of culture and ownership possibilities of expression to create community artists Atttinain Guevara shows that creating such rights does not require freedom and the satisfaction of needs, but would require a long time to sort out that the community can Revolutionaries who Sychedon rights the new voice of the people is real and Guevara brunt and the future of the young generation in Cuba to create rights that is free from defects past, and Guevara put a heavy burden on the Communist Party to build socialism. On the concept of the party In an interview about the book Guevara Party Marxist Leninist-Castro speaks Guevara Mbinna we understood from the Communist Party, "saying that members gathered together by the unity of ideas formed a group to revive a Marxist concepts to complete the historic mission of the working class, Guevara has become clear conditions for the construction of partisan Ktwasal party with the public permanently and practice Monetary and self-criticism, stressing that the revolutionary vanguard of the Communist Party must be the working class, which played a great service functions construction also shows the importance of a leadership awareness, which has assisted in determining when progressing to create new situations in the case of mature social conditions and circumstance of self and objective conditions and how control in the current movement to preserve social retrogression Communist Party cadres to resume movement in another wave of wave movement and class confrontation. We have identified Algivar is clearly the class of the political struggle for the fulfilment of the national democratic development and functions of revolutionary change and socialist construction as broad role Laggard of the class, which stands in bewilderment among join the ranks of imperialism or among national forces, which resolved themselves joining the ranks of imperialism and that preserve the survival and influence and authority where you want Albrjoseh threat and the changing pattern of production prevailing in the capitalist society, which inevitably will come against its interests. In an article written in 1960 about Che Cuban revolution and the circumstances at the international level and the local bourgeoisie attitude shows us that some of them participated in the revolution, or at least did not take a clear position Aadaena "bourgeoisie sought us search for solutions through negotiation allow replacement model Batista other elements to supervise revolution - did not even take some strong position of neutrality "Mbinna us that the bourgeoisie would not be able to take the position of silence in the face of the revolution, but will choose to join the imperialist bourgeoisie, explaining the position of the anti-popular uprising stating that the bourgeoisie if Khairat between popular uprising and join Imperialism will join the rows guarantee the interests of the strong Alambralih and capitalist monopolies, and also mentions in the same article, "The bourgeoisie does not hesitate to Alambralih alliance with feudalism and against the people and against the revolution." Cadre The first Chi cadres to the functions and significant role in the process of struggle He pointed out that we have, to give example in the dedication and sacrifice and zeal for work could face enemies who have been dispossessed class of those agents of colonialism and the forces exploited confiscated farms and mines at the time of the Revolution because they will again seek a permanent attempt to steal the resources of Cuba again. He talked about how to raise the party cadre to exercise the functions of the Revolutionary construction placed on it and finds Guevara in the article entitled "within the revolution" published in 1962 that the building of revolutionary cadre is not only in the course of daily work systematically to ensure their ideological and political training shows that the cadre is not member who enjoys building a high political or stay understanding and analysis of reality, but which has in addition to the strong responsibility and discipline in his actions and his actions in practice with the masses Guevara confirms that the crowd inside the party during the Revolutionary Party and the continuing convergence of continuing with the public will better cadres - Centre dynamic role which should be played by revolutionary cadre where supposed to be in the case of creative and fruitful cooperation with the public and comrades in the party. He held Guevara revolutionary vanguard of the Communist Party first effort "must be based leaders turn without waiting for the bonus material - that the true revolutionary guided to the feelings of dignity and existence is impossible without the genuine revolutionary character and adds," We must rise to the revolutionary idealism Talaena love of the people and holy issues " In his speech at a meeting with activists of the Communist Party of Cuba in 1962 confirmed that the revolutionary vanguard and youth organization, which are required by the revolution of the functions of what is available inside the teachings and the ability to bid and make effort and sacrifice in the defence of the revolution through good organization that achieves transform ideas and initiatives into reality Sports concrete "to organize ideas without losing their effectiveness after a moment of the first jump, and fall Ceea Vceea in red tape and propensity compromises and end up to become a mere memory" He also emphasized the factors and conditions for the advancement of the work of the vanguard of the revolutionary party and activists of the Communist Party of the existence of a state of controversy and democratic dialogue for the exchange of experiences and ideas on an ongoing basis. He adds Guevara "youth must be a Communist sensation sense of duty towards society and with our people and with people in the whole world where the source of this injustice must stand for all that is unjust." Never forget Guevara, in his emphasis on the consistent position of the faith and practice of the UN and Brolitarih unlimited solidarity towards a more just and free. Gievar cites some of the phrases "Fidel Castro" from Marxism "Who said that Marxism is the absence of human feelings Comradeship - and respect for comrades - that is the love of creating Marxism ceremonial rights, humanity and the desire to fight poverty, injustice, suffering and investment that humanity is experiencing, which was born in Marxism mind Karl Marx " Shows that Guevara is the real Communist who joined the Communist Party as a human being really translate his ideas for the masses of workers and peasants and the poor in order to fight poverty, misery and exploitation and for the anti-colonialism and hegemony and to create an alternative world and goes on the road to satisfy the needs of people and enable them to deny their humanity and their injustice and across movement with the contentious Revolutionary Party to move in the way of radical change, which guarantees public participation in production and decision, the Authority and the date of repatriation. Solidarity in the volitional thought Guevara Guevara is no doubt that one of the most important from a volitional of Solidarity and the idea of nations has been virtually universally practised this volitional thought humor flowing to liberate all people from exploitation and to create a hard-working poor and build their own hands so it was Guevara One of the most prominent figures who established this, Love stocks sent the revolution and explosion it no matter how great the difficulties and even when impossible aspirations, even the Communist Party of the Soviet man considered one special, and can not deny the role of Guevara at a conference three continents, which expressed mounting liberation movement in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Guevara deported from Argentina to Cuba and went to Bolivia, Chile, Congo, Colombia and Joeetmala, Egypt, Algeria, tried to continue strengthening cooperation with all national liberation movements The fronts and forces facing colonialism in all its forms and emphasize the role volitional Guevara, who must play a strong revolutionary says, "If the enthusiasm achieved after pressing tasks on the local scale if forgotten UN proletarian - belittle the revolution to be the engine and drowning in inertia explicit benefit Aaadana Imperialists, the proletarian UN duty. The Guevara Neo Alamaimi out of necessity and by necessity based believes humans - where says - must struggle every day seems that love in humanitarian and concrete facts. Guevara was felt that starting spark revolution in a country, it is only a step to liberate mankind and the struggle of the people share water is directed to the colonial powers that exploit people Guevara says, in his article "Vinamen or three that is the slogan" - that our cry of the whole war against Alambralih Thunderous appeal for the unity of peoples against the great enemy of mankind "when I reflect on the words Guevara felt pain on my face every page guide on Mazloum in the world" and also "wherever found injustice that is a national "well aware of how Guevara male sleep is the human one - built Marxism and scientific socialism security advocate of human beings and Love Stocks for the masses exploited insured by the fighter they always aspiring to be that the masses can free themselves enabled Neil exploitation and pay guillotine on the neck by the Ross Powers exploited and colonialism Guevara simply declare the Antmeth saying, "I belong to the crowd, which paid invincible peremptory - I belong to the hungry and fight." The reason we bear responsibility towards what is happening in the world prompts us to the position that we will not prevent border distances and differences in language, religion and nationality that beckons us to support all peoples who resist colonialism and oppression, it prompts us to be one hand against Americanization and the dominance of capitalism and multinational corporations, not demanding role solidarity, but the role as an integral and inseparable "can not stand idly by at what is happening everywhere in the world as a country to victory is a victory for us Alambralih completely - that the defeat of any country is a defeat for us." Guevara confirms its position volitional also in an article by him in Havana in 1962 on the anniversary of the martyrdom of a militant Cuba, where he said, "as long as in America or perhaps anywhere else vibrant evil oppression and rectified the error must revolution will not stop, that it must pursue the path forward and identify depth at all the problems and persecution in this world we live in is it that people feel the pain that rose banner of freedom against arbitrariness colonial powers, There is also in Africa, Asia and every place where people strap weapons and stimulates the struggle, the two leaders repeating slogans of freedom against injustice and arbitrariness colonists. "He adds responsibility for the editorial" Our people faced exam, which faced the people can not stand indifferent to any injustice anywhere in the world and called Guevara Revolutionary hope in the liberation of peoples and emphasize the character of the Progressive Movement history and disrupted or lost some people in their struggle Battles also occurred with the "Patrice Ulumba" but stressed at the same time "the impossibility halt the advance of the peoples" After the triumph of the Revolution, specifically in the article about Vietnam Guevara says "all people struggle will also start digging in the tomb of imperialism and must be given every assistance and all of us admired" Thus, the universality of the insured Guevara Revolution supporter of all liberal forces and all people facing colonial suggesting NATO patrolling the Mcolath between Algeria, Congo, China, Vietnam, Korea, Algeria supported the wave of national liberation and track line where strong points extended freedom and related to confront Line colonial led America and its allies. Directed criticism of the United States and capitalist countries seeking always to dominate the markets in the World Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva, which was held March 23, 1964, when he referred Guevara at the end of his speech, "Stnasrv our units to developing countries of the world to be a united front, we put all our hopes in the success of this conference and we will join warmly to the poor of this world, putting our forces at the service of all vulnerable victory. In his speech before the United Nations in the nineteenth session draws Guevara saluted all peoples struggling, South Africa, Somalia and the Arab people in Palestine and Aden, Oman and all peoples struggling Alambralih, at the same address ATTACKS United States of America and strong colonial and colonial approach sends saying, "The United States forces intervene significant interference in the suppression of peoples - Venezuela, Colombia and Guatemala Fighting for freedom and exercise American companies which bore all sorts of pressures to increase the penetration of direct. In saying he also stresses there is no weak people if volitional real solidarity and stresses that the isolation of people struggling to be one front against imperialism and speaks Guevara saying, "No people is weak - in Latin - it is part of the family of multiple two hundred million children suffering from the same misery and feel the same feelings and returned the same enemy and enjoy the solidarity of all decent people in the world. The idea of nations has always been the focus of Guevara, not free speech or an article of his articles put volitional position, we have put Che in his Marxist views on the party's responsibilities and meals on the Communist Party which was one of the pillars of the UN tasks and responsibilities sends saying, "We can not be limited worked out the framework for America and the socialist countries - must exercise UN proletarian real - pointing out here that no insult or attack on the State must be borne Banks of all Communists and adds Guevara "that" any act contrary to human dignity and happiness anywhere in the world - to be to be interested in it. Guevara and Africa The image of Africa than to the image of ethnic America where he Guevara were similar in the large economic and social conditions in addition to the two continents suffering from the bitterness of feudalism and the dominance of capital and both peoples Bhabha in extremely harsh conditions of the disease, ignorance, want and exploitation, and has been written about the similarities in music The method and lifestyles in the two continents and wrote an article entitled artistic communication between ethnic America and Africa. Africa has received considerable attention Guevara suggesting speaking in his speech before the United Nations at its ninth session in 1964, saying, "We raise our Asotna again to notice the world, including in Africa, where being applied policy on racial discrimination doubt of the nations of the world and also adds in the same speech" I speak on the status of Congo painful only case in the history of the modern world which show how it could violate the right of peoples rudely knows no boundaries and explain the reasons for the tendency of colonial domination, which wants to power Congo, and also not forget Guevara trip to the Congo, and their struggle to form fallow fighter spite of the failure suffered by Guevara there but that does not mean tender and interest in African affairs. At the Asian-African solidarity Guevara also talked about Africa and take a talk about the black continent brother Latin ethnic figured prominently, As mentioned Guevara in more than one article, the Africa suggesting in a speech Algeria for example talking about Congo and the policy of the use of force to change any regime defied liberal colonialism and imperialism exposes Chi schemes aimed at controlling the resources of the continent and seeking various ways of domination and plunder burglaries
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