Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Demitris christofias

We here in Cyprus are pleased because through many years of struggle and the services rendered by the Party of the Working People and the our Trade Union Movement we have a powerful, class conscious workers movement which has gained the trust of our people. There is in general in Cyprus a strong trade union movement and the unity in action in its ranks has reached a high level. AKEL, PEO and the broader Popular Movement play a decisive role in Cypriot life. With their prestige and strength they represent the most trustworthy and reliable force against neo-liberalism. The intervention of the Left in Cyprus is such that the neo-liberal policies of Brussels are not only facing resistance but are also to some extent being blocked

Demitris Christofias's Speech at the meeting against neo-liberal policies , Nicosia 3rd March 2007


ونحن هنا في قبرص سعداء لاننا وعبر النضال والخدمات التي يقدمها حزب الشعب العامل وحركتنا النقابيه نتملك القوة ، لقد كسبت الحركة الواعية للطبقة العاملة ثقة الشعب ، فى قبرص الان اوسع حركة شعبية تلعب الان دورا حاسما في الحياة القبرصيه
من الكلمه التي ألقاها في الاجتماع ضد السياسات الليبراليه الجديدة ، فى نيقوسيا مارس 200
Demitris christofias The current President of Cyprus Long live the struggle of Communists struggle of the working class lived We have sent several parties _ the Palestinian People's Party and the Communist Party of the Greek Communist Party and the Indian Communist Party and the Egyptian Popular Front telegrams of congratulations to AKEL party secretary and current President of Cyprus
Demitris christofias
الرئيس الحالى لقبرص عاش نضال الشيوعين عاش نضال الطبقة العاملة ولقد
ارسلت العديد من الاحزاب_ حزب الشعب الفلسطينى الحزب الشيوعى اليونانى والحزب الشيوعى الهندى والحزب الشيوعى المصرى والجبهة الشعبية برقيات تهنئة الى سكرتير حزب اكيل والرئيس الحالى لقبرص

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Venezuela Table of Contents

Venezuela Table of Contents
Venezuela entered the 1990s poised to become a leading international producer of coal, iron, steel, aluminum, gold, and other minerals. In the late 1980s, the industry employed less than 1 percent of the labor force, accounted for less than 1 percent of GDP, and contributed 13 percent of exports. These figures were likely to increase, however, as expanded capacity became operational in the 1990s.
The state historically played a prominent role in mineral policy and production. Beginning in the 1970s, the government obtained or established scores of mining enterprises in its pursuit of heavy industrial development. By the 1980s, however, the huge debts incurred by these ventures contributed to the government's decisions to reconsider restrictive foreign investment policies and to liberalize mining laws in an effort to expand private-sector participation in mining. The CVG, the country's most prominent regional development corporation and the major player in mining, increasingly entered into joint ventures with foreign companies by the 1990s, when for the first time the CVG agreed to accept a minority share in some ventures. In addition to its role as planner and coordinator of most of the country's mining, the CVG was one of Latin America's largest industrial groups, with 30 subsidiaries and 41,000 workers in 1989. According to government sources, the CVG and its affiliates accrued US$1.3 billion in profits from 1985 to 1989 and generated US$3.3 billion in foreign exchange.
The bauxite and aluminum industry, traditionally smaller in size than iron and steel, installed significant new capacity in both mining and processing during the 1980s. As a result, aluminum became the country's second leading foreign exchange earner. By 1990 Venezuela boasted the largest installed capacity in aluminum in all of Latin America. Moreover, the country was believed to be world's most economical producer of aluminum because of its vast high-quality bauxite reserves, its abundant and cheap energy, and its well-developed infrastructure. Proven bauxite reserves stood at 500 million tons in 1990, with probable reserves as high as 5 billion tons. Overall, the country's smelters, including as many as 1,500 small foundries, produced approximately 443,000 tons of primary aluminum in 1988. About 60 percent of production, or nearly US$1 billion by value, was exported.
Commercial bauxite production, begun in 1987, reached 1 million tons in 1988 and was expected to reach 4.5 million tons in 1991. Much of the bauxite of Bauxita de Venezuela (Bauxiven; wholly owned by CVG) was processed at the Interamericana de Alْmina (Interalumina) plant in Puerto Ordaz. Opened in 1983, Interalumina produced 1.3 million tons of aluminum in 1988 from its plant's annual capacity of 2 million tons. Jointly owned by the CVG and a Swiss company, Alusuisse, Interalumina also controlled 50 percent of the Belgian Aleurope Aluminum Company, 40 percent of the Costa Rican firm Alunasa, and 20 percent of the United States company Wells Aluminum, thus providing it with worldwide marketing outlets.
Alcasa, the country's first aluminum processing plant, contained plants in Ciudad Guayana and Guacara in Carabobo by the 1980s. Alcasa's installed capacity, on the rise throughout the 1980s, was intended primarily for specialized overseas aluminum markets. In 1990 Alcasa had a 120,000-ton annual capacity for manufacturing primary aluminum. Alcasa's expansion plans for the 1990s foresaw a more than doubling of that capacity to as much as 300,000 tons per annum.
The country's other major smelter, the Industria Venezolana de Aluminio C.A. (Venalum), was also undergoing rapid growth in capacity. Although the CVG enjoyed majority ownership of Venalum, a consortium of Japanese industrial interests held a considerable minority stake.
The iron and steel industries represented the core of the mining sector before aluminum's rapid growth in the 1980s. Large- scale commercial mining of iron ore in Venezuela began in the early 1950s, when the Pérez Jiménez regime granted iron ore concessions to two United States steel companies, Bethlehem Steel and the United States Steel Corporation. Huge iron reserves, located near exploitable hydroelectric resources, combined with a growing national demand for steel to set the stage for the creation of a steel mill in 1955 near the confluence of the Orinoco and Caronي rivers. With the creation of the CVG in 1960, the state gained a greater role in the country's only major steel plant, which at that time produced mainly seamless pipes for the oil industry. One of the landmarks of the government's expanding role in the economy during the 1970s was the nationalization of the Orinoco Steelworks (Siderْrgica del Orinoco--Sidor) steel mill on January 1, 1975. Funding from the Venezuelan Investment Fund (Fondo de Juversiones de Venezuela--FIV) made possible a smooth settlement with the American steel companies.
The nationalized steel industry set ambitious goals for itself, goals it ultimately failed to meet. Slower internal growth dampened local demand, and the proliferation of new steel mills in other developing nations by the late 1970s reduced international demand. As a result, plans to build two new steel complexes were postponed indefinitely by the late 1980s.
After years of delays, technical bottlenecks, and government mismanagement, Sidor's expansion made the country self-sufficient in steel by 1982. By 1985 steel exports exceeded steel imports five-fold. High initial capital investment, however, made the Venezuelan industry unprofitable, and Sidor accrued a huge debt estimated at US$5 billion to US$10 billion, a substantial portion of Venezuela's debt burden in the early 1980s. Not until 1986 did Sidor show its first profit, US$70 million, but this fell to US$26 million in 1987. In 1990 the government reportedly was considering privatizing Sidor.
Foreign competition for exports remained the major challenge to Venezuela's steel industry in the early 1990s, as steel production continued to increase, rising from 2.7 million tons in 1985 to 3.6 million tons in 1988, and internal demand remained static. Complaints about the dumping of subsidized Venezuelan steel at below-average prices impaired greater market penetration in the 1980s. The government provided subsidies to the Sidor plant, mainly through special foreign exchange rates that allowed the company to purchase imported inputs at a low rate and to pay off its debts at a high rate. In 1982 the United States Department of Commerce accused Sidor of selling its steel in the United States at a 40 percent discount. This complaint led to a 1985 Voluntary Restraint Agreement (VRA) with the United States, which set a maximum export limit of 183,000 tons of steel a year. The two governments reestablished the VRA in 1989 at 280,000 tons a year, two-thirds of which were finished steel products. Venezuela also signed a VRA with the European Economic Community in 1987 after similar dumping allegations were made.
Although the state dominated the industry, some private steel milling went on in 1990. Sivensa, the country's only private steel mill, was generally profitable. In addition, the CVG operated as a minority shareholder in a steel plant called Metalmeg, which manufactured carbon steel products for the petroleum industry. In the late 1980s, the Kobe Steel Company of Japan also converted its Minorca iron briquette plant into a direct reduction steel mill, further expanding steel production capacity.
The basis of the country's controversial steel industry was its enormous iron ore reserves. As of 1990, the government estimates of iron reserves for the state of Guayana were 2.8 billion tons of high-grade ore (80 percent iron). The CVG iron subsidiary, Ferrominera, controlled iron ore mining at numerous mines, most notably El Cerro Bolيvar (southwest of Ciudad Guayana), El Pao (south of Ciudad Guayana), and San Isidro. Ferrominera's total installed annual capacity was 20 million tons in 1990. Iron production fell sharply after its peak year of 1974, but was on the rise again by the late 1980s. Iron ore production was 18.9 million tons in 1988. Ferrominera's completion of a floating transportation complex on the Orinoco in the late 1980s facilitated the industry's use of large shipping vessels, thus increasing exports and lowering costs. Exports of iron ore reached 11.7 million tons in 1987, with the United States, Europe, and Japan the leading purchasers.
Coal production also expanded rapidly during the 1980s. As with iron and bauxite, the country enjoyed large reserves of highly pure coal. The state of Zulia alone, for example, contained 900 million tons of proven coal deposits, with probable reserves as high as 2 billion tons. This made Zulia the largest underdeveloped coal field in the Americas. Besides Zulia's coal deposits, the country also possessed significant coking coal to fuel the newer steel mills, coal for thermal electricity generation, and various deposits of clean-burning "hard coal." Most coal deposits were found in the west near the border with Colombia or in the Orinoco Basin.
Three major coal mines accounted for most coal output in the late 1980s. Although not yet fully operational in 1990, the Carbones de Zulia (Carbozulia) mine was already the nation's largest. PDVSA owned roughly half of Carbozulia; a consortium of United States, Italian, and private Venezuelan companies accounted for the balance. The mine produced 822,000 tons of coal in 1988, and plans called for 6.5 million tons-per-year capacity by the mid-1990s. By contrast, the entire country produced only 62,000 tons in 1987. The United States, Italy, and Spain represented the major markets for Carbozulia's coal. The second major mine was the Minas Carbَn at Lobatera in Tلchira near the Colombian border, with reserves estimated at as much as 60 million tons. The third-leading producer, in Naricual in Anzoلtegui, boasted reserves of approximately 50 million tons. In addition to these operational mines, Venezuela had several other key coal zones that remained untapped in the 1980s.
Gold, known to exist since colonial times, did not become a major commercial endeavor until the 1980s. Miners long ignored the country's gold wealth because of its oil. Furthermore, the gold deposits were found mainly in the remote border regions with Brazil and Guyana. The government, however, increasingly prized its gold reserves, which stood at 11.5 million troy ounces in 1990, or roughly 12 percent of world reserves. Gold existed in Venezuela as an ore with quartz and in alluvial deposits found naturally with diamonds. The government acquired the El Callao gold mine in the state of Bolيvar in 1974 to better regulate gold prospecting and sales. The state succeeded in raising official gold production threefold from 1984 to 1989, pushing exports to over US$300 million a year. This made gold the second leading nontraditional export. Unofficial production, however, remained as high as 70 percent of total output.
After a decade of closely controlling private gold interests, the state opened up gold prospecting to foreign interests in the 1980s. In 1986 the CVG, in a joint partnership with a Bermuda- based company, formed Monarch Resources Limited to mine gold in the El Callao region. Private Venezuelan entrepreneurs also exploited the nation's gold reserves.
Venezuela also possessed varying amounts of other metals and minerals. For example, the country was a major producer of industrial diamonds, although diamond output fell steadily throughout the 1980s. The country also contained deposits of copper, nickel, zinc, lead, uranium, titanium, palladium, silicon, manganese, and chrome. Quarrying for industrial minerals such as feldspar, gypsum, hydrated lime, salt, nitrogen, phosphate rocks, gravel, barite, pyrophyllite, asbestos, bentonite, and magnesite was also common

One of the world's biggest oil producers saw its economy shrink nearly 10% in the second quarter.
The 9.9% drop is one of the biggest in Venezuela's history and partly reflects a fall in its oil revenues, which have been hit by cutbacks and protesting oil workers.
This year, the country has witnessed one attempted coup, lived through spiralling inflation and a deep devaluation of the bolivar against the dollar.
Venezuela's commerce minister Ramon Rosales warned against expecting a speedy recovery. "We must set rational expectations and not expect a second-half recovery to completely wipe out these declines," he said.

President Hugo Chavez has tried to bring in reformsThe government has brought in reforms to boost the economy but their effects have yet to be felt and some analysts believe it should seek an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) first.
Many Venezuelans are running out of patience with President Hugo Chavez's handling of the economy, particularly his interference with PDVSA, the state oil company.
Since the attempted uprising in April, there have been frequent street protests and fear remains there will be further upheaval.
Reliance on oil
Sales of crude oil and oil products accounts for 80% of Venezuela's exports. In the second quarter, the petroleum sector of the economy fell 16.7%.
"In the area of petroleum, the production of crude oil has been affected by the nation's agreement on cutbacks within OPEC ( the oil cartel)" the central bank said in a statement.
"The production of refined products was influenced by less external demand," it added.
Oscar Garcia Mendoza, president of the Banco Venezolano de Credit said the economy had been hurt by "monstrous devaluation, lack of investment and deflation."
"The political aspect is fundamental to these results," he said.


Russian diamond cutters ask Alrosa for VAT delay
Russian diamond cutters face shutdown of operations or domestic supplies if VAT tax waiver is abolished on January 1.Author: John HelmerPosted: Tuesday , 13 Nov 2007
Alrosa, Russia's dominant supplier of rough, has sent a notice to domestic diamond cutters, warning that from January 1, it will add 18% value-added tax (VAT) to its rough diamond pricing. The diamond cutters have told Mineweb that, while they understand the move as a cost-cutting expedient for Alrosa, the impact will be ruinous for the low-margin manufacturers. They have asked Alrosa to reconsider, and delay the move for another twelve months, in order to allow time for the government to be persuaded to send a zero-tax amendment to tax legislation for enactment by parliament.
There is suspicion that Alrosa's move is aimed at reducing the presence in Russia of foreign cutting enterprises, and boosting Alrosa's cutting plants at their expense. At present, Alrosa reports that its own polished sales amount to about $160 million per annum. This trails well behind sector leader, Smolensk Kristall, which is state owned, and reports sales of $358 million in 2006; and Ruis Diamonds, which is controlled by Lev Leviev, and sells over $300 million in polished. According to one of Moscow's leading cutters, "I wouldn't say that Alrosa is making this move intentionally to destroy the remainder of the Russian cutting industry, but this [VAT] decision would be a catastrophe."
The present Russian tax regulations allow VAT to be recovered from the state treasury that is paid on diamonds which are exported; though the time required for claims processing and reimbursement may be as long as nine months. Alrosa has opted until now to waive the VAT chargeable on its domestic sales, and thus, it has foregone the value it could claim back from the treasury. This is estimated at about 2.4 billion rubles (around $100 million), annually.
In current accounting, this uncollected VAT is treated in Alrosa's accounts as a cost of sales. An anonymous statement from Alrosa, released to a local wire service, said that the firming of the rouble has been raising Alrosa's domestic costs against the dollar value fetched by the company's rough diamond sales.
"In evaluating the impact of this decision on the cutting industry," Alrosa said, "we have to look at two fundamental factors. Al most all of the diamonds cut in Russia are then exported. It is profitable to cut large diamonds in Russia as demand for them in our country is minimal. So the VAT paid should be reimbursed out of the budget. Secondly, the vast majority of the so-called domestic cutting enterprises are owned by foreigners. Obviously once the decision takes effect the cutting enterprises will need additional working capital, namely for about six to eight months from the payment of VAT to its reimbursement from the budget. Since most cutting enterprises belong to non-residents they all get working capital from foreign banks at 4% - 5%. So, the additional costs resulting from the decision will be about 400 million rubles [$16 million] for all cutting enterprises in Russia."
Unstated is the relatively higher Russian bank interest charge for such credits to Russian manufacturers, and also for Alrosa, which reports that it currently operates six Yakutia-based and Moscow-based cutting plants. Company reports indicate that in 2006, polished sales amounted to $141.1 million. This was down 1.8% compared to 2005, but up 7.8% compared to the 2004 result. Alrosa's annual report for 2006 explained the downturn as due to "the lower currency efficiency coefficient" - read falling dollar to rouble - and also due to the dwindling of sales through a joint polishing venture with Lazare Kaplan International, a New York firm. In 2007, Alrosa says it expects to sell $159.7 million in polished.
In a speech at the Antwerrp Diamond conference last month, Alrosa chief executive Sergei Vybornov singled out one of Alrosa's polishing affiliates, Diamond World, claiming its profitability "amounts to 2.06% of their full cost price. This is less than the interest rate in Russian banks and far below the annual inflation rate. This is typical for Russian diamond processing factories. " Vybornov went on to call for the elimination of large numbers of cutting and dealing intermediaries. "The diamond's way from the mine to the jewelry store should be shortened to the maximum extent possible. We believe the ideal structure would be direct sales of rough diamonds to established globally jewelry brands."
Nikolay Zhuravlev, spokesman for Kristall Smolensk, told Mineweb that "the introduction of VAT would cost us 1-2% from revenues [$7 million]. Of course, we are very negative to such decision, as the cutting business is low margin itself, and any new expenses are a problem. So far as I know, the final decision was not made yet, and several options are still under discussion. We hope that VAT will not be introduced."
Ararat Evoyan, head of the Russian Diamond Manufacturers Association, told Mineweb his membership is hostile. "This move will bring the cutting business to loss-making. The world cutting industry is low- profit. The main reason is that De Beers and Alrosa and other producers monitor very carefully the price of cut diamonds, and they change the price of rough stones accordingly. All profits go to the rough producers." He conceded that Alrosa is within its legal right to end its tax waiver, and reintroduce VAT to its supply prices. He was skeptical that the government will agree to amend the current tax law to allow zero-rate VAT for diamond cutters. "The problem with the zero-rate is that it applies only to priority goods and the defense industry."
Evoyan said that the manufacturers association has proposed a further one-year tax waiver from Alrosa, to allow time to work out a tax code change.
Valeriy Morozov, director of Ruis and spokesman for Leviev's diamond interests in Moscow, told Mineweb "this is currently a vital question for everybody. Cutters are really hoping that VAT will not be introduced and Alrosa will withdraw its intention. This problem is familiar to everyone - Ministry of Finance, the Diamond Chamber, and others. When Alrosa had higher profits, it could disregard the [domestic VAT] losses, but now, when profit will decline due to various objective and subjective reasons, it can't."
Morozov said the practical implication for Russian cutting operations is that, with 18% VAT added to Alrosa's prices, the domestic cutters will not pay. "There are two outcomes for the cutters who will stop buying stones in Russia: to close their enterprises completely, or to buy Alrosa's stones in Belgium, Hong Kong and other markets."
Morozov said that the VAT waiver had originally been introduced a decade ago as a form of super-profits tax for Alrosa. The new VAT move will be a test of Alrosa's clout with federal financed officials. Either Alrosa is deterred by the federal government from reinstating the charge, Morozov said, or else the federal government will agree to amend the tax legislation, in order to grant zero-rate status to production of rough.
In 2006, Alrosa's sales to the domestic Russian market rose 3.6% to Rb44 billion ($1.6 billion), comprising just under half of total sales. Export revenues for sales to Western Europe, including the major markets of Antwerp and De Beers, dropped 5% to Rb26.9 billion; while sales to other markets, including Israel, fell more sharply to Rb23.4 billion, a decline of 10.1% compared to 2005.


19 February 2008.
The SACP has received the news that Cde Fidel Castro will not be available for the next term of office as President of Cuba and Chief Commander of the Cuban Armed Forrces.
We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Cde Fidel Castro for having been an exemplary revolutionary who led one of the most the inspiring revolutions in the 20th century against the dictatorship of Batista. Furthermore Cde Fidel and the Cuban people in general led a feisty battle to defend the revolution against the nearly fifty years of aggression from US imperialism through amongst other, hundreds of attempted assassination by the US government and the criminal blockade against Cuba .
The Cuban revolution has been successful and achieved a lot for the Cuban people. This is the revolution that has attained free education for the Cuban people, free access to health care and ensured that no Cuban goes to bed hungry.
The SACP also wishes to salute Cde Fidel Castro for his exceptional example in internationalism. The Cuban people sacrificed their lives struggling in the trenches with many liberation combatants in many parts of the developing world. Cuba , under the leadership of Fidel, also continued with this internationalism primarily through the services offered by many Cuban health and other professionals working in the poorest sections society in many developing countries.
It would therefore be proper that as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola – a battle that laid the basis for the liberation of Namibia and our own country – we also celebrate the life, contributions and internationalism of this great revolutionary!
Cde Fidel Castro led a revolution that still provides proof and an inspiration that there is indeed an alternative to the barbarism of capitalism and that, that alternative is socialism.
We are proud that in honour of Cde Fidel and the Cuban people, the SACP, at its 12th Congress in 2007, conferred upon this hero our highest honour, the Chris Hani Peace Award for his contribution to a just, equitable and caring world order.
The SACP remains confident that the Cuban revolution has produced enough leaders of Fidel’s calibre and that the Cuban revolution remains in safe hands.
Like we said to our Nelson Mandela on his retirement, Cde Fidel ’s retirement is well-earned and well-deserved. We wish him all the best!
Issued by the SACP.
يان الحزب الشيوعي في جنوب افريقيا على استقالة فيدل كاسترو
تلقى الحزب الشيوعى بجنوب افريقيا نبا تنحى فيدل كاسترو عن رائاسة كوبا والقوات المسلحة ونود ان نغتنم هذه الفرصة لتهنئة فيدل كاسترو لكونة مثال للثورى الذي قاد واحدة من أكثر الثورات الملهمة فى القرن العشرين ضد ديكتاتوريه باتيستا. وعلاوة على ذلك فان فيدل والشعب الكوبي خاضوا معركة تقرب من خمسين عام ،معركة للدفاع عن الثورة من عدوان الامبرياليه الامريكية ، والذى تمثل فى مئات من محاولات اغتيال دبرت من قبل حكومة الولايات المتحدة اضافة الى الحصار الاجرامي ضد كوبا
الثورة الكوبية قد حققت نجاحا وحققت الكثير ايضا للشعب الكوبي. هذه هي الثورة التي وفرت مجانيه التعليم للشعب الكوبي ، ووفرت الحصول على الرعايه الصحية واكدت ان ليس هناك فى كوبا من يصل الى فراشة جائعا . . ان الحزب الشيوعى فى جنوب افريقيا يحيي كاسترو كمثال استثنائى فى النضال ويحى االكوبين الذين ضحوا بأرواحهم في الخنادق مع العديد من المقاتلين الاخرين فى اجزاء عديدة من العالم النامي لتحرير هذة البلاد. .كما واصلت كوبا نضالها من خلال توفير الخدمات الصحية للكوبين وفرت ايضا لغيرهم من المهنيين العاملين بين افقر قطاعات المجتمع فى بعض الدول النامية . ولذلك سيكون من المناسب ان نحتفل بالذكرى السنويه الثلاثين لمعركة في انغولا معركة التي ارست الاساس لتحرير ناميبيا وبلدنا نحن نحتفل ايضا في الحياة ، والاسهامات العظيمة هذه الامميه الثوريه فيدل كاسترو قاد الثورة التي لا تزال تعطينا دليلا والهاما ان هناك في الواقع بديلا للهمجيه الراسماليه ، "هو ان الاشتراكيه هى البديل". ونحن فخورون بأن الحزب الشيوعى فى جنوب افريقيا كرم فيدل وكرم الشعب الكوبي فى الكونغرس الثاني عشر 2007 ، . ويؤكد الحزب الشيوعى انة لا يزال واثقا من أن الثورة الكوبية قد انجتت ما يكفي من القادة، وان الثورة الكوبية لا تزال في أيد أمينة. كما قلنا لدينا نيلسون مانديلا رغم تقاعده ،فيدل التقاعد هو جيد وكسبت عن جدارة.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

electricity workers Protests and the tension within the ranks of university professors

social movement yesterday
included labours of the chemicals sector , the electricity sector workers, movements of people , the marginalized classes, , the movements of jurists, and also variety of demands and power, where the move yesterday and some workers in the electricity sector, where workers protested the holding company for the electricity front of the headquarters of the company in Bab al loq demanding guarantees social insurance and demanded their shares ; on the other hand incentives and fund company In al sawais and has been moved a number of workers a company trast of chemicals in places far from their fellow workers, following repeated protest movements In Hurghada number of tenants threatened strike action shops, food, in the event of expulsion from their shops, where the local administration who have been threatened with eviction. This situation reminds us of situations that threatened the local departments of government in Egypt owners of the shops and Bazars In Luxor , as what happened in Suez -fish merchants and traders- before the Government expressed its desire to withdrawl their shops to Cairo governorate and end their rent contracts. On the other hand, continued movement of university professors that March 9 movement called to the use of picketing and strike mechanisms for the implementation of their demands for freedoms, and providing humanitarian standard with regard to salary and other demands. Demonstrated today a large number of Nasserists and nationalists at the tomb of late President Abdel-Nasser
تنوعت الحركة الاجتماعية بالامس حيث شملت العمال بقطاع الكيمايات ، وعمال قطاع الكهرباء، وتحركات اهالى ومهمشين ، وتحركات لمهنين ، وتنوعت ايضا فى مطالبها وقوتها ، حيث تحرك بالامس بعض العمال فى قطاع الكهرباء حيث تظاهر عمال الشركة القابضة للكهرباء امام مقر الشركة الرئيسى بباب اللوق مطالبين بضمانات اجتماعية وتامينية وطالب بصرف نصيبهم من الحوافز وصندوق الشركة و وفى السويس تم نقل عدد من العمال بشركة تراست للكيماويات فى اماكن بعيدة عن العمال زملائهم، على اثر تحركاتهم الاحتجاجية المتكررة
وفى الغردقة هدد عدد من مستاجرى المحلات بالاضراب عن العمل والطعام ،فى حال طردهم من محلاتهم حيث وجهت لهم الادارة المحلية تهديدات بالطرد . وهذا الموقف يذكرنا بحالات عديدة هددت فيها الادارات المحلية للحكم فى مصر اصحاب المحلات والبازرات ، ففى الاقصر هدد تجارها وقاموا باضراب نتاج نقلهم من امكانهم ، وكذلك فعل تجار الاسماك فى السويس ومن قبلهم قام تجار العبور بالاعتصام تجاة رغبة الحكومة ومحافظة القاهرة فى سحب المحلات المستاجرة لهم منهم وزيادة ايجارات محلات البعض .
ومن جانب اخر استمرت حركة استاذة الجامعة ،ودعت 9 مارس الى استخدام اليات الاعتصام والاضراب لتنفيذ مطالبهم المتعلقة بالحريات ،وتوفير مستوى انسانى فيما يخص الرواتب، وغيرها من المطالب .
وتظاهر اليوم عدد كبير من الناصرين والقوميين حول ضريح الرئيس الراحل عبد الناصر

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Prosecution of women kubsh and Ram attack today on women Kafr Height

Today the sentence for the Ram women was established in Abdeen Court for on year. The court accused the three Ram women intimidating the police, and assault on staff servants. These charges were brought s during the protest movements. The movements aims were to claim alternative accommodation instead of dwellings that have been demolished. which ate fire in March of 2006. It is noteworthy that the people of the area of Ram areas, have been very active in protests and demonstrations to demand their right to accommodation, facilities and services. On the other hand, security attacked today to the people of the area of Kfar Height and the latest wounds between two people, who are being held today, Thursday, February 21, 2008 at the hospital Hlon Cairo. Security has attacked them while trying some of them approaching the convoy Suzanne Mubarak, wife of Egyptian President. We have already people lose height picket in front of the Egyptian people to demand alternative housing, which has been on Mlicthm of their homes were seized by the Ministry of Investment and agrarian reform for the construction of a water Helwan, which commented upon people that the acquisition of territory by the investors and not for the construction of a water. It also claims the Egyptian government
عرض اليوم الخميس 21فبراير ثلاثة نساء من منطقة قلعة الكبش على محكمة عابدين وذلك لمعارضة الحكم الصادر عليهم بسجن لمدة عام ولقد تم توجية التهمة لهم اثناء احدى التحركات الاحتجاجية التى قام بها اهالى منطقة الكبش منذ حريق منازلهم فى مارس من عام 2007 وعلى صعيد اخر اعتدى الامن على اهالى كفر العلو وتسبب فى اصابات عديدة مما ادى الى نقل اثنين منهم الى مستشفى حلون ولقد اعتدى الامن على الاهالى اثناء محاولتهم الاقتراب من موكبة حرم الرئيس ولقد كانو اهل العلو من ضمن المناطق العشوائية التى خرجت رافعة راية الفعل المطلبى من اجل سكن بديل وذلك عندما قام الاصلاح الزراعى ووزارة الاستمار بالاستيلاء على ارضهم للانشاء محطة مياة لكن الاهالى ذكرو ان الغرض من ما تم هو استيلاء المستثمرين على الارض لا بغرض انشاء محطة مياة حيث تتوفر المياة بالمنطقة

Monday, February 18, 2008

The global solidarity to Guevara

Guevara talking about rights model that should be there should not be that the human person is the person nineteenth century or even twenty-first century is the man Twenty, so we have precious Bjelba of Marxism-Leninism and Guevara adds, "The great public awareness grows and the

possibilities for the development of all physical Membership of full development by making our most productive "talks about art and culture, stressing the need to expand the field of culture and ownership possibilities of expression to create community artists Atttinain Guevara shows that creating such rights does not require freedom and the satisfaction of needs, but would require a long time to sort out that the community can Revolutionaries who Sychedon rights the new voice of the people is real and Guevara brunt and the future of the young generation in Cuba to create rights that is free from defects past, and Guevara put a heavy burden on the Communist Party to build socialism. On the concept of the party In an interview about the book Guevara Party Marxist Leninist-Castro speaks Guevara Mbinna we understood from the Communist Party, "saying that members gathered together by the unity of ideas formed a group to revive a Marxist concepts to complete the historic mission of the working class, Guevara has become clear conditions for the construction of partisan Ktwasal party with the public permanently and practice Monetary and self-criticism, stressing that the revolutionary vanguard of the Communist Party must be the working class, which played a great service functions construction also shows the importance of a leadership awareness, which has assisted in determining when progressing to create new situations in the case of mature social conditions and circumstance of self and objective conditions and how control in the current movement to preserve social retrogression Communist Party cadres to resume movement in another wave of wave movement and class confrontation. We have identified Algivar is clearly the class of the political struggle for the fulfilment of the national democratic development and functions of revolutionary change and socialist construction as broad role Laggard of the class, which stands in bewilderment among join the ranks of imperialism or among national forces, which resolved themselves joining the ranks of imperialism and that preserve the survival and influence and authority where you want Albrjoseh threat and the changing pattern of production prevailing in the capitalist society, which inevitably will come against its interests. In an article written in 1960 about Che Cuban revolution and the circumstances at the international level and the local bourgeoisie attitude shows us that some of them participated in the revolution, or at least did not take a clear position Aadaena "bourgeoisie sought us search for solutions through negotiation allow replacement model Batista other elements to supervise revolution - did not even take some strong position of neutrality "Mbinna us that the bourgeoisie would not be able to take the position of silence in the face of the revolution, but will choose to join the imperialist bourgeoisie, explaining the position of the anti-popular uprising stating that the bourgeoisie if Khairat between popular uprising and join Imperialism will join the rows guarantee the interests of the strong Alambralih and capitalist monopolies, and also mentions in the same article, "The bourgeoisie does not hesitate to Alambralih alliance with feudalism and against the people and against the revolution." Cadre The first Chi cadres to the functions and significant role in the process of struggle He pointed out that we have, to give example in the dedication and sacrifice and zeal for work could face enemies who have been dispossessed class of those agents of colonialism and the forces exploited confiscated farms and mines at the time of the Revolution because they will again seek a permanent attempt to steal the resources of Cuba again. He talked about how to raise the party cadre to exercise the functions of the Revolutionary construction placed on it and finds Guevara in the article entitled "within the revolution" published in 1962 that the building of revolutionary cadre is not only in the course of daily work systematically to ensure their ideological and political training shows that the cadre is not member who enjoys building a high political or stay understanding and analysis of reality, but which has in addition to the strong responsibility and discipline in his actions and his actions in practice with the masses Guevara confirms that the crowd inside the party during the Revolutionary Party and the continuing convergence of continuing with the public will better cadres - Centre dynamic role which should be played by revolutionary cadre where supposed to be in the case of creative and fruitful cooperation with the public and comrades in the party. He held Guevara revolutionary vanguard of the Communist Party first effort "must be based leaders turn without waiting for the bonus material - that the true revolutionary guided to the feelings of dignity and existence is impossible without the genuine revolutionary character and adds," We must rise to the revolutionary idealism Talaena love of the people and holy issues " In his speech at a meeting with activists of the Communist Party of Cuba in 1962 confirmed that the revolutionary vanguard and youth organization, which are required by the revolution of the functions of what is available inside the teachings and the ability to bid and make effort and sacrifice in the defence of the revolution through good organization that achieves transform ideas and initiatives into reality Sports concrete "to organize ideas without losing their effectiveness after a moment of the first jump, and fall Ceea Vceea in red tape and propensity compromises and end up to become a mere memory" He also emphasized the factors and conditions for the advancement of the work of the vanguard of the revolutionary party and activists of the Communist Party of the existence of a state of controversy and democratic dialogue for the exchange of experiences and ideas on an ongoing basis. He adds Guevara "youth must be a Communist sensation sense of duty towards society and with our people and with people in the whole world where the source of this injustice must stand for all that is unjust." Never forget Guevara, in his emphasis on the consistent position of the faith and practice of the UN and Brolitarih unlimited solidarity towards a more just and free. Gievar cites some of the phrases "Fidel Castro" from Marxism "Who said that Marxism is the absence of human feelings Comradeship - and respect for comrades - that is the love of creating Marxism ceremonial rights, humanity and the desire to fight poverty, injustice, suffering and investment that humanity is experiencing, which was born in Marxism mind Karl Marx " Shows that Guevara is the real Communist who joined the Communist Party as a human being really translate his ideas for the masses of workers and peasants and the poor in order to fight poverty, misery and exploitation and for the anti-colonialism and hegemony and to create an alternative world and goes on the road to satisfy the needs of people and enable them to deny their humanity and their injustice and across movement with the contentious Revolutionary Party to move in the way of radical change, which guarantees public participation in production and decision, the Authority and the date of repatriation. Solidarity in the volitional thought Guevara Guevara is no doubt that one of the most important from a volitional of Solidarity and the idea of nations has been virtually universally practised this volitional thought humor flowing to liberate all people from exploitation and to create a hard-working poor and build their own hands so it was Guevara One of the most prominent figures who established this, Love stocks sent the revolution and explosion it no matter how great the difficulties and even when impossible aspirations, even the Communist Party of the Soviet man considered one special, and can not deny the role of Guevara at a conference three continents, which expressed mounting liberation movement in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Guevara deported from Argentina to Cuba and went to Bolivia, Chile, Congo, Colombia and Joeetmala, Egypt, Algeria, tried to continue strengthening cooperation with all national liberation movements The fronts and forces facing colonialism in all its forms and emphasize the role volitional Guevara, who must play a strong revolutionary says, "If the enthusiasm achieved after pressing tasks on the local scale if forgotten UN proletarian - belittle the revolution to be the engine and drowning in inertia explicit benefit Aaadana Imperialists, the proletarian UN duty. The Guevara Neo Alamaimi out of necessity and by necessity based believes humans - where says - must struggle every day seems that love in humanitarian and concrete facts. Guevara was felt that starting spark revolution in a country, it is only a step to liberate mankind and the struggle of the people share water is directed to the colonial powers that exploit people Guevara says, in his article "Vinamen or three that is the slogan" - that our cry of the whole war against Alambralih Thunderous appeal for the unity of peoples against the great enemy of mankind "when I reflect on the words Guevara felt pain on my face every page guide on Mazloum in the world" and also "wherever found injustice that is a national "well aware of how Guevara male sleep is the human one - built Marxism and scientific socialism security advocate of human beings and Love Stocks for the masses exploited insured by the fighter they always aspiring to be that the masses can free themselves enabled Neil exploitation and pay guillotine on the neck by the Ross Powers exploited and colonialism Guevara simply declare the Antmeth saying, "I belong to the crowd, which paid invincible peremptory - I belong to the hungry and fight." The reason we bear responsibility towards what is happening in the world prompts us to the position that we will not prevent border distances and differences in language, religion and nationality that beckons us to support all peoples who resist colonialism and oppression, it prompts us to be one hand against Americanization and the dominance of capitalism and multinational corporations, not demanding role solidarity, but the role as an integral and inseparable "can not stand idly by at what is happening everywhere in the world as a country to victory is a victory for us Alambralih completely - that the defeat of any country is a defeat for us." Guevara confirms its position volitional also in an article by him in Havana in 1962 on the anniversary of the martyrdom of a militant Cuba, where he said, "as long as in America or perhaps anywhere else vibrant evil oppression and rectified the error must revolution will not stop, that it must pursue the path forward and identify depth at all the problems and persecution in this world we live in is it that people feel the pain that rose banner of freedom against arbitrariness colonial powers, There is also in Africa, Asia and every place where people strap weapons and stimulates the struggle, the two leaders repeating slogans of freedom against injustice and arbitrariness colonists. "He adds responsibility for the editorial" Our people faced exam, which faced the people can not stand indifferent to any injustice anywhere in the world and called Guevara Revolutionary hope in the liberation of peoples and emphasize the character of the Progressive Movement history and disrupted or lost some people in their struggle Battles also occurred with the "Patrice Ulumba" but stressed at the same time "the impossibility halt the advance of the peoples" After the triumph of the Revolution, specifically in the article about Vietnam Guevara says "all people struggle will also start digging in the tomb of imperialism and must be given every assistance and all of us admired" Thus, the universality of the insured Guevara Revolution supporter of all liberal forces and all people facing colonial suggesting NATO patrolling the Mcolath between Algeria, Congo, China, Vietnam, Korea, Algeria supported the wave of national liberation and track line where strong points extended freedom and related to confront Line colonial led America and its allies. Directed criticism of the United States and capitalist countries seeking always to dominate the markets in the World Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva, which was held March 23, 1964, when he referred Guevara at the end of his speech, "Stnasrv our units to developing countries of the world to be a united front, we put all our hopes in the success of this conference and we will join warmly to the poor of this world, putting our forces at the service of all vulnerable victory. In his speech before the United Nations in the nineteenth session draws Guevara saluted all peoples struggling, South Africa, Somalia and the Arab people in Palestine and Aden, Oman and all peoples struggling Alambralih, at the same address ATTACKS United States of America and strong colonial and colonial approach sends saying, "The United States forces intervene significant interference in the suppression of peoples - Venezuela, Colombia and Guatemala Fighting for freedom and exercise American companies which bore all sorts of pressures to increase the penetration of direct. In saying he also stresses there is no weak people if volitional real solidarity and stresses that the isolation of people struggling to be one front against imperialism and speaks Guevara saying, "No people is weak - in Latin - it is part of the family of multiple two hundred million children suffering from the same misery and feel the same feelings and returned the same enemy and enjoy the solidarity of all decent people in the world. The idea of nations has always been the focus of Guevara, not free speech or an article of his articles put volitional position, we have put Che in his Marxist views on the party's responsibilities and meals on the Communist Party which was one of the pillars of the UN tasks and responsibilities sends saying, "We can not be limited worked out the framework for America and the socialist countries - must exercise UN proletarian real - pointing out here that no insult or attack on the State must be borne Banks of all Communists and adds Guevara "that" any act contrary to human dignity and happiness anywhere in the world - to be to be interested in it. Guevara and Africa The image of Africa than to the image of ethnic America where he Guevara were similar in the large economic and social conditions in addition to the two continents suffering from the bitterness of feudalism and the dominance of capital and both peoples Bhabha in extremely harsh conditions of the disease, ignorance, want and exploitation, and has been written about the similarities in music The method and lifestyles in the two continents and wrote an article entitled artistic communication between ethnic America and Africa. Africa has received considerable attention Guevara suggesting speaking in his speech before the United Nations at its ninth session in 1964, saying, "We raise our Asotna again to notice the world, including in Africa, where being applied policy on racial discrimination doubt of the nations of the world and also adds in the same speech" I speak on the status of Congo painful only case in the history of the modern world which show how it could violate the right of peoples rudely knows no boundaries and explain the reasons for the tendency of colonial domination, which wants to power Congo, and also not forget Guevara trip to the Congo, and their struggle to form fallow fighter spite of the failure suffered by Guevara there but that does not mean tender and interest in African affairs. At the Asian-African solidarity Guevara also talked about Africa and take a talk about the black continent brother Latin ethnic figured prominently, As mentioned Guevara in more than one article, the Africa suggesting in a speech Algeria for example talking about Congo and the policy of the use of force to change any regime defied liberal colonialism and imperialism exposes Chi schemes aimed at controlling the resources of the continent and seeking various ways of domination and plunder burglaries


It is hard to talk about the person who has his life to the last breath by the rich events, but we will try to provide an overview about Guevara rights where, when and how he lived Perhaps this knowledge is the simple entrance to understand Guevara fighter and symbol, every human being is created events and circumstances historical, psychological and social impact generated by large in the formation of his personality and even determining the course of his life in many cases. Guevara was born in August 1928 in a suburb of the Argentine capital, "Younis Aires", specifically in the neighbourhood "Rosario" to the family of a normal mother-educated Hispanics interested in public affairs and paid rearing her son and informed of the arts and literature of poetry and biographical story to editors and great love of people and learn the values of freedom, justice The father was a civil engineer from the Irish. When the four-year-recommended family doctors quickly move to a place where drier Chi health situation has deteriorated at the time, playing the family to "Cordoba", which moved to the "Altagersaia" Guevara was the eldest son of his brothers, where his sister had called Slia Chi great love and association and also with many erupt, and has become Celia Kabhe architectural engineer, as well as his sister micro "Maria" The younger brother "Roberto" has become counsel. Guevara enrolled in primary school "San Martin" and then proceeded to school "Manuel" Guevara lived in this period in a villa in the "San", the mountainous area, and his father was at that time run a farm to plant "Almaty", a plant such as tea, the farm owned by his mother "Celia", but was forced to sell in 1947 and has impact of the disease on the regularity of the academic year, V and VI, which required more attention from the family to assist him in his studies, then moved later to the Chi "Cordoba" to attend secondary school "Religion draft" and the physical state of his family At that time, but ever before, which made Guevara works for personal expenses handle increased excited Guevara at the time in French and French literature and love of increased risk, arterial Guevara boy spirit of fun-loving and adventurous travellers and characterized vigilant love and passion for reading was serving his time between stocks and reading were lovers writer, "Gul Vered", "Dimas Alexander," which loves writing poetry, painting and drawing, although the disease has been known in the Club "Atalaya" good athlete vibrant, and perhaps attention, care and particularly by his mother and reviewed the literature and poetry French and the Spanish are very influential in his life , as was the news of the arrest of his father "as the basis for the support of the Spanish Republic in 1937" was influential in his life where it felt the sense of lack of the sense of oppression and power exercised by any authority on human beings as anathema to the needs and limit liberty. At the secondary level went Guevara in one times acceding to the angry demonstration against one of the posh clubs frequented by the rich Argentina, which was called "Club Joke" The fact that Guevara point of view earlier this club, which was mentioned to him by his father that Almtkhmon Club and Exploited! , And when found Guevara demonstrators were joined by echoing "Vlisagt Almtkhmon money Vlisagt Almtkhmon money" Snap-taking Throwing stones and glass echoing views of the store go to the United States mandate pigs. This was in the secondary-loving people optimistic movement, many travellers, has been a journey in some parts of Latin ethnic Mrthla the motorcyclist in the desert valleys and the continent looking for the knowledge and experiences and struggles of peoples, each assistant who can provide assistance to him, the poet cruelty of life that people Thieddiha American ethnic at the time. Telling Guevara in Mmakrath one women offset by the trip, saying "those poor calls sympathetic to suffering Valraha emitted from her room and mixing with the dust, covering furniture little, but bouts of asthma and imbalance in the activity of the heart, when a doctor in case of shocks such realize that lose any ability to find a solution, because it requires a lifestyle change and a solution to this suffering and the situation that obvious injustice, these old women made a month ago at the request of the work of sewing operator was lean on the tables during its cleaning work - but this woman deserves to live a living enhanced humanitarian generosity, He adds Chi analysing the effects of poverty and the legacy in the hearts of the poor and says, "When acquainted with the conditions of the poor within the new breed aggressive difficult Akhvouha - aggressive towards those who do not deterring themselves from the oppression of others. Here deals Guevara is not the case that old, but is based on an analysis of the overall situation American ethnic populations and the conditions of the poor and they are living conditions besieged by the disease, destitution and poverty, through these conditions up to analysis that solving these problems will not be individual solutions, Mbinna state of alienation experienced by workers in most countries where living under a regime not produce brokerage give them only enough to survive but they suffer from alienation and continuing concern in the light of those circumstances, say on that "when human life finds no future without approved live always afraid of what was coming because he could not secure livelihoods for several days This coming future they will continue to gag under the circumstances "and adds the specification of the situation of workers and says" guess in the life of every country in the world those who have lost their dreams in the future following the tragedy lies " On his trip to the friendly owner Alberto Istadhavohma one plantation owners providing them BIAT and food while in the case of severe fatigue and without funds to enable them to buy food, but this did not satisfy the owner of the farm, when speaking about his relationship and workers receive wages for their work thus pushing Guevara to sharply attack on men because of the way in which it treats those workers packed exploiter Colombians, in this journey is not dependent on Chi meditation, writing, reading and talking with his friend Alberto says about dreams, "I want to exercise the medical profession, but I see the need for change, real change, which ensures the elimination Massey to humans and causes disease, this will not achieve medicine alone, Chi always looking for solutions to the reality and such tragedies during the visit and travels to Alberto says, "I think that the wealth of this country of minerals and fertile land must serve all people do not serve some families song only, or American companies are always Vhola cancer can be eliminated, but the final " The journey across the motorcycle travelling in South America the opportunity to see the suffering of the population of South America from the exploitation and oppression by colonialism and the forces of capital, and saw the emergence Bzhuk resistance movement in Guatemala However Bzhuk movements and sightings Guevara started up inside the aspirations of those on the liberation of the poor peasants who suffer unhappiness and misery as a result of colonialism and farm owners and control of the mining and resources of the continent. We know during his trip to the continent and the conditions of the population and history of the cities he visited and comment on the trip, saying "It gave us an opportunity to identify people and we work closely as they agreed to get the money and then a few follow our journey we have worked in the loading and unloading of ships and sailors, doctors, Gsali dishes and we were skilled at peeling potatoes and other work off easy and was one of us holds a university degree and the other almost become a doctor "and says Motorcycle Diaries" realized that there was something important for me that the issue has become a world famous or make a significant contribution to medical science realized I want to help these people, "I started this journey since come questions in his mind about the solution social contradictions and edit them from exploitation and liberate the homeland and seemed like Icl How can play a role and how it provides for the underprivileged their spirit Guevara has been heavily burdened with asthma and more a sense of great responsibility to the poor and hard-working masses Perhaps his "wherever injustice is a national" shows that the human spirit of love In the midst of the people all of this I Guevara great importance to the concepts of revolution and the organization of the masses to get their rights and the highest needs and is satisfied that there is no meaning to any entity or social system does not meet the needs of people and the security needs of a culture of human beings to end social systems and new regulations come alternative to the construction of social stratification and the prevailing In he says the words "Let us begin to erase all our old," has been a belief Guevara audiences of workers and peasants and the poor is the basic ground for liberation, suggesting says, "We must go Nosey mind and spirit modest draw from this particular great wisdom of the people." Eight months Kdahm Guevara in his diary throughout Latin America and the spirit of resistance mind Meditative discover which continent which I consider a homeland and a similar Viharadihm, participate in the suffering of poverty, exploitation and colonialism, has sweeping view Guevara death on the workers and poverty reflected in the opinion of disease, hunger and injustice represented in the opinion of the owners farms, mines and colonialists, he saw Guevara large areas of the globe have suffered for centuries from colonial domination and rolled on its coups and shared colonial powers led by the United States and share the rest of Europe, in Latin America 270 million inhabitants suffer from low standard of living, malnutrition, more than a quarter disease, this is Latin America, which saw Guevara and made it raises questions as to who produces and consumes cheers and production and control of the resources of millions of acres of the farmers cultivated under Whips exploiters and others like them in the mines workers, he saw Guevara mineral wealth, and the miners who not reap non misery, disease, want, Bolivia full of aluminium, copper, Chile and Brazil iron, but all poor and destitute population, agriculture in the continent controlled 1.5% of the population monopolisers half of the arable land and farmers either action or owners of the land is limited in most times forced into debt to cultivate their land, and return once again to the fundamental question raised by Guevara on the same producers and where to go production also made clear that producers are miners Headset patron of conduct and simple peasants and workers both in the production of minerals or agriculture, it will go to export not only to population, resulting from the equation poorest growing constantly, resulting in the corresponding obscene indispensable to owners of farms or mines Hence Guevara put himself solution discrepancy in the production process and the security of the need to change the present form of productive change the relations of production and the need for security on the property of these people and stop their control over power and justice for the benefit of masses who are the real producers reap only poverty and exploitation. All these conditions are formed personal Guevara, the revolutionary romanticism crystallized his vision and made way take after struggling in many places using guerrilla tactics and to mobilize the masses to follow in the path of protest in support of those outposts Revolutionary began his trip were these observations, is the most prominent stations that formed Guevara rights and freedom fighter. Go beyond 1953, after his return to the "Bono Aires" and made his call for military service but not adults no relevance to, and in the same year to visit many countries in Latin ethnic, and starts to recognize some leftist groups in those countries and discuss with them and has filled many of the situation in Bolivia, Guatemala . 1954 Indmm the ranks of the rebels, but there were soon face of the rebels "Castillo Armas" assisted by the United States, which played a role in the eradication of revolution Chi in Guatemala Chi think that what is a genuine revolution in Guatemala in the form of steps, including the application of agrarian reform and reducing the power of monopolies America and the pursuit of education and eradication of illiteracy therefore directed to withdraw militant targets there contributing to this revolution, the United States Government and its owners feel monopolies capital the leader Jaweitmeli "Arbens" by the Communist octopus on the continent ethnic, while steps "Arbens" seeking to re-state resources to the owners to limit the influence of foreign investment and monopoly capitalism and the survival that prompted the United States and strongly supported the "Armas" overthrow the regime "Arbens" which increased hostility of the United States of America and the strong capital Guatemala him with a special steps in the support and participation of the Communist Party Jaweitmeli in the political process, and steps quickly succeeded in overthrowing the American intelligence system Arbens to come "Armas" to the government and launch an attack on Althurin Marxist and Communist Party activity Jaweitmeli returned land Alaktain been removed from them again and Guevara was hurt these transformations storm in Guatemala believes that the only solution is to arm people but Arbens stop deficit position, which did not give orders to his aides to repel the attack "Armas" The army refused then clash with the coup attempt by Armas view Armas is shaken to win and the CIA and land owners, monopolies, but the army He called on the army post to undermine the activity of the Communist Party, the army and the form of monopolies and the "Armas" triangle of abortion revolutionary movement in Guatemala. And managed to forced "Arbens" on devolution and the coalition that the administration country and ban public activity of the Communist Party of Guatemala, hidebound grip on employment and trade union activity is the moment began the systematic campaigns of repression, which reached reduce the spread of the death penalty in most of the country to rebels, has been included Guevara then in the name of many names provided by the CIA as they are persona non grata was arrested many of them, but Guevara was able to cross the Argentine Ambassador to Guatemala hiding in the embassy premises Alarzintnet of them traveled to Mexico and then met Raoul brother Fidel Castro joined the fallen revolutionary struggle begins his trip in 1954 1959 in Cuba, a series of other struggle Stocks and the struggle in Cuba Chi met with Castro in Mexico in the first meeting with Chi said Castro's my pleasure to see you in person editor Castro had "put Batista in error - When Atalego demobilized to introduce Batista Kulaih good to the people" and take Fidel then talk about the night along the prison terms and the first strike of farm workers led against his father and how to become an active party in the Cuban people through his attack on the residence "Moncada" in the province "Stneagu." , Cuba was equipped to carry out revolution They then unemployed labour and agricultural and industrial works in the working conditions of semi-slavery and Cuba lacks the services and facilities, and talking to Fidel Ernesto "As long as that exists there will be oppression of struggling against" Castro had dreams at that time was the liberation of Cuba, he determined several urgent tasks, if successful revolution where it should agrarian reform and re-distribution of land is planted and develop laws to protect workers from unemployment and the monster was also dreamed of providing facilities, in addition to providing social and health insurance services and the provision of housing and Orteurayda nationalization of companies contact he wanted this to the people and the revolution are the property of the people and backed by the Cubans, Guevara was great faith in the need to liquidate exploitation ethnic lands Latin America had dreamt of free and would have liked to make every effort and all unsatisfied towards that goal, saying, "I am ready to fight against tyrants everywhere. From this moment Guevara joined the group in July with Castro and revolutionary Rvavh, to continue with us since the first meeting between the Castro and Che through "Rwal" Castro's brother In fact, the names associated with both of the other, because carried from the common struggle for the liberation of Cuba, expelled Batista and Construction tasks within Cuba that Guevara took some of the responsibilities so chose Chi Stocks many times and deported last time to Bolivia is no longer a second assassinated hands with the CIA learned in 1967 Telling Guevara in a dialogue made by the Argentine press about his first meeting Castro after his release from Guatemala and Mexico up to a rat agents the CIA, where he met July 26, saying the total "talked to Fidel throughout the entire night and with the dawn of the next day become a doctor charged in fact the future and the light of experiences throughout Latin America after a bullet of mercy in Guatemala did not require so much expressed my interest to join any force against any tyrant, but we should say that the top my impression of Fidel After this interview he is a man of unusual "Guevara has become clear impetus to join the Cuban revolutionary group that wishes to be against tyranny and tyrants anywhere in the world is this for a moment seemed trip Guevara with Castro and with the tasks imposed by the revolutionary situation in Cuba at this time, especially after the success of the Cuban revolution and the liberation of Cuba by Batista and monopolies capital and control of the United States Cuba won in the revolution and expelled Batista Directed bull "set July 26" across the ship "Grinma" to the shores of Cuba in the trip lasted seven days was fatigue and dizziness and food into force things facing the revolutionary group, but that did not prevent them from adhering to a moment dream the dream of victory and the liberation of Cuba pontoon repeating set July 26 applaud and commend the Cuba National Even in the darkest moments, in the course of their progress toward the beach Cuban uprising broke out, led by "Franco Pace," which occupied the police stations in the "Santiago" and after a week of sailing up on the shores of the rebels "Los Caldados" to disembark on one of the villages and then continue to move towards cities but shots Batista and helicopters did not stay in Sir progress towards cities has hit in those features many of the combatants were injured Guevara injury Charth he approached the end, but Njie to complete the road with fighters, has Fidel Castro in a battle to represent the role of soldiers to barracks Batista included a number soldiers dictator ratified soldiers "Batista" This trick and made Castro's information on those pigs with rebel sympathizers, which enabled Rvavh of Fidel and mapping of the area and knowledge of sympathizers and the number of troops dictator Batista and places of thing! He was able Chi and Rvavh in capturing many of these soldiers and the killing of many of them, which enabled them to continue to progress and access to food and more weapons product of this battle, despite the vicious battle but Guevara played the role of the physician to those captured soldiers Batista and the treatment of some of them so that one Soldiers asked whether Stguetleuena Guevara? Individual by Chi "We are not killers, we want to overthrow Batista We Bacanutatur militants for freedom and hurting our families," These words that made one dictator soldiers joined the fighters in the ranks of the revolutionary group. During these battles not forget Guevara codify his memoirs and reading poetry "of Pablo Neruda," and hear the poetry of the companion, "Morales" did not abandon the modern Alrvaki and Chaffing, has joined the rebels in a large group of peasants because of the unbearable feudalism and the Batista dictatorship and wisdom repressive who left the country and its resources and agricultural lands owned by the foreign monopolies, I felt peasants in the revolutionary Che and his asylum them have a sense of fear that the revolution came to them and the rebels hoist the banner of "land for Justified", which attracted farmers and led them to join the ranks of the rebels taking guerrillas approaching that arrived in the " Santy Clara "to be in a confrontation with three thousand soldiers" Batista ", and started the battle, where rebels seized without the slightest resistance to the university city became the headquarters for command and began guerrilla warfare in the cities and ambushes-tank and the people of the city participated in the battle and called incendiary bottles, and fighting continued for blockading
Essam Hassan Shaaban

Was in 2005 years, which escalated the crisis with Egyptian farmers practiced against many forms of oppression in the cost of agricultural production and accumulation of debt and also faced procedures of the most violent - extract agricultural land acquired by farmers from the land reform. حيث شهدت قرية سرا ندو أحداث عنف ضد الفلاحين من قبل عائلة نوار ، تزامن مع تواطئ الدولة واجهزتها البولسية وهئية الإصلاح الزراعي لتجريد الفلاحين من بضع قراريط بسيطة يتعايشون منها . Witnessed the village secretly Lendu violence against peasants by the family Noire, coincided with the complicity of the state and its organs and body Albolcih Agrarian Reform to strip farmers of a few simple circular living them. انحازت الدولة مستخدمة أقسام البوليس وجحافل الأمن المركزي والقوات الخاصة والتعذيب باشكالة ضد الفقراء من مالكي أراضى الإصلاح الزراعي للانتزاع الاراضى منهم لتذهب الى فلول الإقطاع العائد State aligned using sections Hordes of police and central security and special forces and forms of torture against the poor owners of the land for agrarian reform to extract from them to go to the remnants of feudalism return استشهدت نفسية المراكبى فى قرية سراندو لا لشى ألا لتمسكها بأرضها Citing psychological Boatman in the village Srando not only for its adherence to sleep tied ويتكرر نفس الأمر فى دكرنس حيث تم تحدد يوم 8/3/2007 القادم موعدا لتنفيذ أحكام بالطرد ضد عدد من الفلاحين الحائزين والمالكين لعدد 4 قطع من أراضى الإصلاح الزراعي الموزعة بزمام ناحية مدينة دكرنس وترجع خلفية تلك الإحداث بصدور قانون إلغاء الحراسة على من قد طبقت عليهم من كبار الاقطاعين بعد ثورة يوليو 1952 وبصدور قانون إلغاء الحراسة عام 1974 بدا ورثة الاقطاعين فى إقامة دعاوى قضائية ضد هئية الإصلاح الزراعى بصفتها الجهة التى قامت بتوزيع الاراضى على الفلاحين دون اختصام هؤلاء الفلاحين – الذين كانو خلال اربعين عام يقومون بسداد أقساط تمليك الاراضى التي وزعت عليهم – وقامو بسداد أقساط تمليك الاراضى التي وزعت عليهم . The same thing is repeated in the Address has been set 8/3/2007 next date for the implementation of the provisions of expulsion against a number of peasants holders and owners of the number 4 pieces of land agrarian reform distributed hand the reins of the City Address and the background of those events due issuance of the law on the abolition of the guard have been applied to them senior Alaktain after the revolution in July 1952 and the issuance guard Abolition Act 1974 and began to establish Alaktain heirs filed lawsuits against the body as the agrarian reform, which distributed land to peasants without adversarial these farmers - who Kano during the forty year who pay premiums ownership of land that have been distributed -- and lose pay premiums ownership of land that have been distributed. ولقد صدر لصالح ورثة زينب محمود الاترابى والتي كانت تمتلك 254 فدان حكمان من النيابة الإدارية العليا هما 2357 لسنة 46 -2331 تضمن كل حكمك حقها فى استعادة خمسون فدانا We have issued on behalf of the heirs Zeinab Mahmoud Alaturabi, which owns 254 acres two of the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor's Office for the year 2357 were 46 -2331 included all the right judgement in the restoration of fifty acres وقد قام الملاك السابقون بمساعدة الأمن المركزي ا لتنفيذ على مساحة 7 أفدنة فى 21 /5/2006 بالقوة الجبرية مما ترتب عنة اشتباكات عنيفة بين الأمن والفلاحين أدت إلى اعتقالات للفلاحين واحتجازالنشطين والاعلامين الذين تواجد يوم تنفيذ الحكم بسلب الاراضى من الفلاحين ودارت معركة امتدت من الصباح الى الساعة الثانية عشر كان إبطالها جنود الأمن المركزي وقوات مكافحة الشغب والقوات الخاصة و البلطجية من اتباع عائلة الاتربى حيث تواجدت بالقرية فى هذا اليوم اكثر من 40 عربة امن مركزي ناهيك عن ضباط المباحث وعربات الشرطة "25" بوكس ليبدو وكأنك أمام مشهد لتحرير ارض محتلة او صد هجوم ضد مستعمر ! The former owners help of a central security for the implementation on an area 7 21 5 2006 forcibly resulting in violent clashes between security and the peasants led to the arrests of the farmers who Ahtjasalnctin credibility and presence on the implementation of government to extort land from peasants and place battle lasted from morning to twelve o'clock was avoided soldiers Central Security forces and riot control and special forces and thugs from a family where Al existed in this village today, more than 40 vehicles let alone the central security officers and police vehicles INVESTIGATION "25" Books seems as if the scene to liberate occupied land or repel attack against the settlers! فى الواقع كانت تلك الجحافل لسلب الاراضى من الفلاحين ولم يترك النشطين السياسيين والصحفيين حتى المراسلين الأجانب , حيث قامت قوات الأمن بسحل الصحفيين وانتزاع الكاميرات منهم واختطافهم ورميهم في عربات الشرطة , وألقت أكثر من 50 قنبلة مسيلة للدموع بقيادة اللواء أحمد سالم مدير المباحث الجنائية بالإضافة إلي مأمور مركز دكرنس وعشرات من الضباط بمختلف الرتب , مما ادى الى إصابة العشرات ولم تسمح قوات الأمن بنقلهم بالإسعاف إلي مستشفي دكرنس العام! In fact they Legions of dispossession of land from farmers are not left political activists and journalists even foreign correspondents, where security forces mob of journalists and cameras extract them, kidnapped and thrown in police vans, and delivered more than 50 tear-gas bomb led by General Ahmed Salim Director of Criminal Investigations in addition to the warden Centre Address and dozens of officers in various ranks, which led to the injury of scores did not allow security forces moved ambulance to the hospital Address year! وحولت المجني عليهم إلي متهمين بالتجمهر ومقاومة السلطات والبلطجة وتم تحرير محض ربرقم 6968 لسنة 2006 جنح دكرنس والذى قررت فية النيابة اخلاء سبيال المتهمين بعد حبسهم احتياطيا أربعة أيام على ذمة التحقيق The victims turned to the accused crowds and resisting the authorities and hooliganism and liberated purely Rbno. 6968 2006 cover of Address, in which it decided to evacuate Speal prosecutors accused remanded in custody for trial after four days of the investigation تحكى إحدى الفلاحات الاعتداءات التي تعرضت لها فتقول " كان ذنبي اننى بدافع عن ارض زوجى محمد محمد مسعود ... فدان مفيش غيرة بنزرعة ومن محصولة بنعيش انا وعيالى ... عيلة البدراوى .... تبكى ... الارض دى ملكنا ومش ممكن نسيبها - نزلو العساكر فينا ضرب والبلطجية ... صرخت بعلو صوتى حرام عليكم يا ظلمة دة رزقنا ورزق عيالنا هنروح من غير الارض فين Telling a peasant attacks against says, "I Shook was on the ground may be motivated by Muhammad Muhammad Masood acres ... is no other Bnzerah harvest Benaic Anna and children ... Friends .... Badrawi crying ... the land belongs to de coverage possible Nsebha -- Winslow soldiers and thugs beating us ... I shouted graduates join haram oppressed you, and this is our livelihood Aina Henrouh livelihood of land-Fein هذة شهادة ماجدة وهى تحكى مشهد مما حدث من بلطجة من كبار الملاك والامن فى دكرنس باسم القانون الذى يستخدم لخدمة كبار الملاك او كبار رجال الاعمال لحمايتهم وتضخيم ثراوتهم . This certificate Magda It tells the story of what happened scenery centers senior staffing and security in Damietta on behalf of the law is used to serve the owners or senior business leaders to protect them and inflate Therautem. تلك حالة من عشرات الحالات المتشابهة لسلب الاراضى وماجدة حالة من حالات تعرضت للتعذيب لا لشى سوى انها تدافع عن ارضها وحقها فى لقمة العيش ، فى أراضى دفعو ثمنها على أقساط لمدة 40 عام ولكن عاد الإقطاع لينتزعها ويسلب هؤلاء الفقراء كل شي That the situation of dozens of similar cases of looting land and Magda cases of torture were not only sleep they defend their land and their right to their living in the territory Dfo the price premiums for 40 year, but returned to Intzaaha feudalism and take away all these poor Shi وقد قام الفلاحون الحائزون لتلك الاراضى برفع إشكالات تنفيذ إمام محكمة القيم العليا فى الدعاوى 75،76 قيم عليا – محدد لنظرها جلسة 24/2/2007 والمقرر قانونا أن إشكالات التنفيذ ترجى للتنفيذ الحكم حتى الفصل فيها ولكن ذللك لم يمنع ورثة الاقطاعين القدامى بالتعاون مع هئية الإصلاح الزراعي والجهات التنفيذية من السعى التنفيذ الجبري على 4 قطع جديدة بزمام دكرنس هو الأمر الذي يهدد بتجدد أضربات وأعمال عنف لا يعلم مداها غير الله The peasants holders of those territories to lift problematic implementation of the values to the Supreme Court in proceedings 75.76 high values - specifically 24/2/2007 meeting for consideration and decision legally problematic Terje implementation of the execution of the sentence until adjudication, but did not prevent adverse heirs Alaktain veterans cooperation with tribunal agrarian reform and the implementation of operational quest forced to cut 4 Address is a new charge which threatens renewed Adharbat and acts of violence did not know the range of non-God وتأتى تلك الإحداث فى إطار سياسة الانحياز لكبار الراسمالين وملاك الاراضى ضد الفقراء والبسطاء من العمال والفلاحين ومحاولة سلب كل المكتسبات التى حصلو عليها ، تتم تلك الاجراءت في إطار تحرير العلاقات الاقتصادية فى مجال العمل والصحة والإسكان والزراعة Those events come under the policy bias for senior Alrasmalen and landowners against the poor and the ordinary workers, peasants and trying to deprive all gains Hsalo it, those procedures are under the liberalization of economic relations in the area of employment, health, housing and agriculture ما حدث فى سراندو ودكرنس سيحدث فى قرى عديدة اتساقا مع توجة الدولة لخدمة تلك الطبقة ، مستخدمة القهر والتعذيب والقانون فى تجريد البسطاء من اى مكتسبات وتحميلهم فاتورة تحول الدولة للاقتصاديات السوق والانصياع للأوامر صندوق النقد الدولى What happened in Srando and Address will happen in several villages in line with the State tendency to service the class, using coercion and torture and the law in stripping ordinary gains and holding them any bill transformation of the State of market economies and to obey the orders of the International Monetary Fund تضامنوا مع فلاحى دكرنس ضد قوى الإقطاع وسياسات الافقار Address shown solidarity with the farmers against the forces of feudalism and the policies of impoverishment ان ما يحدث هو تهديد خطير للأمن الاجتماعي فى مصر ويتطلب تضافر كافة الشرفاء من الفلاحين والنشطاء فى القضايا الفلاحية والقوى السياسية لوقف هذة الهجمة الشرسة وحماية الحقوق المكتسبة للفلاحين واحترام أحكام القضاء What happens is a serious threat to social security in Egypt and requires concerted all honorable peasants and activists in farming issues and the political forces to stop the vicious attack and protect the acquired rights of the farmers, respect for court rulings

Why give workers Mahala ..... !! ؟؟ ?? تتنوع الاسباب والقهر واحد . Varied reasons and oppression simultaneously

Essam Hassan Shaaban

Rising labour movements in the current period, not a day passes without labor movements variations between the strike and picket demonstrated تلك التحركات العمالية تاخذ منحى متصاعد بشكل مستمر يواجة ما يقابلة العمال من مصاعب واهدار للحقوق ،اشكال من القهر المتنوع تواجة الطبقة العاملة ليصبح عمال مصر بين مطرقة الامن والدولة وسنديان الظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة تواجة العمالة حالة من الافقار كمعظم هذا الشعب Those moves unions take an upward trend continuously offset workers facing difficulties and waste of human, diverse forms of oppression facing the working class to become workers between Egypt and the State Security hammer and oak forest difficult economic conditions facing the employment situation of impoverishment like most people ولكن الذى يزيد الامر صعوبة هو ان العمال مهددين فى ارزاقهم لقمة العيش فى ظل سياسة البيع، المصانع تباع وتصفى وتخصص وتخرب من قبل الفساد وحكومة مبارك تفرط فى كل شى، المصانع التى بنيت من عرق وكدح عمال مصر تباع ولا احد يسال لماذا تباع وبكم و لمن تباع واين تذهب ايرادات البيع . But what makes matters difficult is that the workers threatened their livelihoods in their living under the policy of sale, sold plants and settles allocated and spoil by corruption and excessive government Mubarak in all, the factories built by the sweat of workers Drudgery Egypt sold and no one asks why you sold, and those who Where to go sold and sales revenues. اضرب عمال المحلة وكتبت عنهم صحف كثيرة ولكن لم تقل كل شى بطبيعة الحال فغابت اشياء كثيرة Workers strike area and many newspapers wrote about them, but did not say everything naturally Fgapt many things ان تتحدث عن حدث او ظاهرة شى وان تكون جزء منها وتشهدها شى اخر The talk about an event or a phenomenon Shi and be part of it and witnessed another Chi ولنبدا من الحدث بدا عمال المحلة اضراب عام عن العمل واعتصمو فى مبنى الشركة بدا من صباح الخميس7 ديسمبر ب10 الالف عامل ثم سرعان ما شمل Let's start of the event Mahala workers began a general strike on the work and Atsamu in building the company began Thursday morning from December 7 to 10 thousand workers and then quickly covered الاضراب كل عمال الشركة ، اتى يوم الخميس بعد اسبوع من امتناع العمال عن صرف مرتباتهم وذللك احتجاجا على عدم صرف مستحقاتهم والتى قدرت بشهرين طبقا لقرار رئيس الوزراء بقرار رقم 467 لسنة 2006 واستمر الاضراب لمدة ثلاثة ايام رغم كل التصريحات التى خرجت عن مسؤلى العمال التنظيم النقابى الحكومى الاصفر وممثلة حسين مجاور خرج علينا بتصريحات تتحدث عن ان ارباح العمال المصروفة لهم خلال الفترة الاخيرة تصل ثلاثة اشهر " بالبلدى كدة بيعلن ان العمال طمعين وولاد ...ميملاش عينهم غير التراب " ولم ينسى ان يطالبهم بضبط النفس وانهاء الاعتصام حفاظا على الاستقرار - ولعل عبارتة حفاظا على الاستقرار تذكرنى بالهدف القومى وهو الحفاظ على الاستقرار والتى كثيرا ما تثير اهتمامى؟؟ Workers strike each company, on Thursday came after a week of workers with the payment of salaries and adverse protest the failure to pay dues, which were estimated at two months according to the Prime Minister's decision No. 467 2006 and continued to strike for three days in spite of all the statements that emerged from the officers Workers Organize government Yellow Hussein and his neighbour left us talking about statements that the workers spent their profits during the last three months up "like these Abieln workers Tmain and Ulad ... Mimlash appointed non-soil" and had forgotten that the UN restraint and end the sit-in order to maintain the stability - and perhaps his preserve national stability Remember goal is to maintain stability, which often raise my interest?? اعرف ان الدول تسعى الى النمو التطور اما ان يظل الاستقرار هو الهدف الاسمى للقيادة الرشيدة فان ذلك امرلا يطاق - اكملت عائشة عبد الهادى رسم صورة لتوجهات الحكومة فييما يخص العمال حيث صرحت بان الحكومة موافقة على صرف 21 يوم فقد اما باقى احهزة الدولة فانتو تعرفون اين اماكنهم فعربات الامن تحاصر الشركة والمنطقة المجاورة لها لتتحول المحلة الى سكنة عسكرية ويبدو المشهد كما انة مشهد تحرير لمنطقة مستعمرة . I know that the growth development seeks to either remain stability is the ultimate goal of good leadership, that sand unbearable - completed Aisha Abdel Hadi draw a picture of the directions for the government Vema where workers stated that the Government approve the disbursement of 21 on the rest of the devices State Fantu know where their places Fhrb besieging security company and the surrounding area have turned to Mahala inhabited by military and the scene appears as a scene that the liberation of the colony. بدا الاضراب بخروج العمال من العنابر الوردية اليلية والتى بقيت و انضمت اليها الوردية الصباحية ، بدا الاضراب وسرعان ما اشترك فية كل العمال وعندما منعو نساء المصنع من الانضمام الى زملائهم صعدت العاملات الى سطح المصنع وهدد بعضهم بالانتحار ان لم يتم فتح باب المصنع والسماح لهم بالمشاركة فى الاعتصام، بدا العمال فى الطرق على بعض براميل كانت متواجدة فى المصنع حوش وطرقات المصنع بدو التظاهر والهتاف ضد الجبالى رئيس الشركة وضد الخصخصة وضد الفقر رددو هتاف "هما ياكل حمام وفراخ واحنا الجوع جوعنا وداخ" و" يا جبالى يا جبالى يا حرامى - يا ادارة يا ادارة الجبالى بنى عمارة - مشيرين الى النعش الذى حملوة وكان يمثل النقابة والجبالى" الميت اهو والحرامى اهو " Workers began the strike exit from the wards pink Massage that has remained, joined by pink morning, the strike soon, in which all the workers and the factory when Mnao women from joining their colleagues climbed to the roof of the factory workers, some of whom threatened to commit suicide if not reopen the plant and allow them to participate in the picketing, the workers in the road on some drums were present in the factory yard and alleys factory Bedouins demonstrations and slogans against Jabali Chairman of the company and against privatization and against poverty Rddo CHANTS "are eating bath and chicks and hunger and hunger, we learn," and "O O Jabali Jabali any thief - any management O management Jabali built architecture - pointing to the casket, which was sent with him and the union representing Jabali "Dead Aho and Aharami Aho" صنعو دمية ترمز الى الجبالى رئيس مجلس الادارة رفض عامل حرقها واشارالى ا Snao effigy symbolizes Jabali President of the Governing Council refused factor posing a burn and لشباب الى ان تشنق افضل خوفا من ان تحدث حرائق Youth that the best Chnk fear that fires occur فى اليوم الثانى استمرت الاوضاع ولم يتراجع العمال رغم التصريحات والتهديدات ورغم وعود الحكومة والتى لم تتعدى وعود بصرف 21 يوم طبقا للقرار رقم 122 لسنة 1984 ورفض العمال وعود الحكومة ليستمر ااضراب العمال متحدين الامن واجهزتة والحشود التى حولت سور الشركة الى اللون الاسود من حشود الامن المركزى On the second day continued the conditions of workers did not back down despite statements and threats and despite the promises of the government and not only promises regardless 21 122 1984 and the refusal of workers and the government promises to continue Aadharab workers united Security and its crowd and transferred to the company SUR blackness of the Central Security Crowds تم تهديد قيادات الاضراب ومحاولة اخافتهم ولكن كان واضحا للجميع ان هذا الاضراب عفوى لم يكن وراة اى قوى سياسية Been threatened strike leaders and trying to frighten, but it was clear to all that this spontaneous strike was not spotted any political forces راحت تصدر البيانات من مركز الارض ومركز الخدمات النقابية ومركز افاق اشتراكية وحزب التجمع وقدم الاخوان المسلمين ونائبهم سعد الحسينى طلب احاطة بل ان بعض النواب من الحزب الوطنى قدمو طلبات احاطة She published data from the Earth Centre and Service Centre Association and the Centre for the prospects for socialism and the party assembly and the Muslim Brotherhood and deputy Saad al-Husseini briefing, but asked that some deputies from the National Democratic Party tried QUERIES ولكن بقيت ارادة العمال وعفويتهم بعيدة عن اى قوى سياسية . But workers will remain Afoithm and far from any political forces. واستمر الاضراب لثالث يوم ومازال الحصار باقى ومازال العمال معتصمين كانت هناك عاملات تذهب لتحضر اطعمة لزملاءهم يرجعن العاملات بالطعام ويحضرون اطفالهم معهم ، وكان اليوم الثالث للاضراب بمشاركة عمال المصنع اضافة الى اطفال بعض العاملات والعمال The strike continued for the third day still siege and the rest still Matsamin workers there were workers going to attend foods workers went back to their food and their children attending them, and the third day of the strike participation of the factory workers in addition to the children of some women workers اغلقت الادارة الحضانة اثناء الاضراب لتسبب حالة من القلق للعاملات ولكن لم يحدث ما ارادو واثبت عاملات مصنع غزل المحلة قدر من الصلابة غير المتناهى تحدثك عاملة تخطت الخمسين من العمر فتقول " انا مش متحركة من هنا الا لمى ناخد حقنا والشركة دى شركتنا لا حد هيخربها من العمال ولاة هيخربها هما اللى بيخربو ها مش العمال " Administration nursery closed during the strike to cause a state of concern to the workers but not the Israelis and proved spinning factory workers Mahala degree of firmness-talk extreme working surpassed year-old says, "I am not moving from here only Luma smoke our company and our company is a de Hikrabha workers Hikrabha governors who are not here Bejrbo workers " وعامل اخر يقول" احنا حياتنا كلها بالقسط وحتى فلوسنا مش عاوزين يدوهلنا مش كفاية الغلا اللى احنا فية " The other factor, he says, "we are all a matter of life and so I do not want to buy Idohlna not insufficient yields that we therein" واخرين يتحدثون عن الفساد والادارة , And others are talking about corruption and management كان البعض يتصور ان عمال غزل المحلة بعد اضراب 1986 ماتت ولن يتحرك عمالها مرة اخرى كان يرى الامن ذلك وكان يرها البعض من يقولون ان العمال لن يتحركو فى الدفاع عن حقوقهم ولكن اثبت الاضراب مدى وعى العمال وقدرتهم على التنظيم الذاتى والمطالبة بحقوقهم مدركين ان الحقوق تنتزع لا تمنح Some imagine that workers spinning Mahala 1986 died after the strike will not move its workers again he saw that security had seen some say that the workers would not Ithrko to defend their rights, but the strike proved the awareness of workers and their ability to self-regulation and claim their rights unaware that the rights do not Strips grant كانت دوما شركة غزل المحلة مصر ومنذ انشاها فى عام 1928 ارض خصبة للاحتجاجات العمال ومطالبتهم بحقوقهم فى قطاع الغزل والنسيج والذى يستوعب اكثر من ثلث العمالة فى مصر وهو ايضا القطاع الذى يتعرض فية العمال لظروف وشروط عمل صعبة شركة غزل المحلة من كبرى شركات الغزل التى تكررت فيها تحركات العمال واضرباتهم للمطالبة بتحسين ظروف وشروط العمل على سبيل المثال كان هناك اضراب عام 1947 واضراب 1975 الاصلاح الوظيفى واضراب و1986و1985 وتنوعت المطالب من مطالب متعلقة بصرف مستحقات الشركة من الخطة والمطالبة بيوم الاجازة الجمعة ومرة للمطالبة باصلاح وظيفى واضراب اخر مطالب ببدل وجبة للعمال كان ابطالها قيادات عمالية اسموههم العمال العشرة المبشرين بالجنة منهم حمدى حسين ،على مدكور ، شوقى الشيخ، ومحمد الشيخ ومن قبلهم قيادات عمالية اخرى كطة سعد عثمان ومحمد شطا وفتحى عبد الحميد ومحمد الغمرينى ومن قبلهم البقرى والخميسى ومنذا 18 عام وغزل المحلة هادئة حتى اتى اضراب ديسمبر عام 2006 والذى لم يكن سببة عدم صرف الشهرين المستحقين للعمال فحسب ولكن كان نتاج تراكم من الضغوط الممارسة على العمال منها تدنى اجور العمال فى مصانع شركة غزل مصر بتنوع مصانعها اضافة الى تهاللك مكينات الانتاج وتعمد افساد الشركة وافشالها ودخول العمولات والرشاوى وزيادة نسبة الفقد من المنتج اضافة الى الخسائر المتتالية للشركة والتى تنفذ بشكل مدروس يتورط فيها ورئيس مجلس ا دارة الشركة ونقابة المصنع . The company always spinning Mahala Egypt Since established in 1928 in the fertile ground for protests by workers and demanding their rights in the textile sector, which absorbs more than a third of employment in Egypt, who is also the sector in which workers exposed to the circumstances and conditions of work difficult Spinning Company Mahala big spinning repeated the Adharbathm movement of workers and to demand better conditions and terms of employment, for example there was a strike in 1947 1975 1986 1985 and diversified demands of demands related to the company benefits regardless of the plan and claim Day holiday on Friday, and once to demand reform and job demands and strike another meal allowance for workers was avoided union leaders Asmoham workers ten missionaries heaven them Hamdi Hussein, the Authority, Shawki Al-Sheikh, Mohammed Sheikh and other union leaders before Kth Saad Othman Mohammed Shata and Fathi Abdul Hamid Mohamed Algmareni is before them, bovine and Khamisi and strong 18 year Spinning Mahala calm until the strike came in December 2006, which has not not caused by failure to pay two months of the eligible workers, but was a product of the accumulation of pressure on the workers, including low wages of workers in the company factories spinning Egypt in addition to the diversity of its plants Thallk Machinery production, deliberately spoiling the company and frustrated and the entry of commissions and bribes and increase the proportion of loss of the product in addition to the consecutive losses of the company and carried out deliberate involving Chairman of the Board of the company and the home of a union plant. فعندما يكون تولى المناصب احد شروطة رضى رئيس مجلس الادارة لابد ان يحتج العمال وعندما يقوم الجبالى بتخصص ثلاث عربات لتنقلات ابناءة وعين ابنتة البالغة من العمر 24 عام مديرة لقسم التسويق بلشركة( وهى اكير واعرق شركات الغزل واقدمها فى الشرق الاوسط ) فلابد ان يعترض العمال عندما تزور ارادة العمال وينقل العمال ويمنعو من خوض انتخابتهم لابد ان يعترض العمال When one of the positions conditions blessings President of the Governing Council must be invoked when the workers and Jabali specialization three carriages of the movements of his sons and daughter appointed 24 year-old director of the Marketing Department Bcharkh (an Rica, the oldest textile companies and the oldest in the Middle East), he should be opposed when visiting workers The workers will transfer workers and Emenao contest Antkhabthm must oppose workers اضافة الى المخاطر المهنية التنى يتعرض لها العمال فخلال الست شهور الماضية انفجرت غلاية بالمصنع وانفجرت ايضا انوبة بوتجاز فى مظهر سافر للاهمال فيما يخص الامن والسلامة المهنية In addition to occupational hazards ELTINAY exposed workers During the past six months the factory boiler exploded and burst Anoppe Buszaz also in the appearance of blatant negligence with regard to security and occupational safety فعامل غزل المحل يقوم فى بعض الاحيان بتشغيل اكثر من خمس ماكينات ، اضافة الى الخصومات المتتالية على عمال المصنع وقلة الاجوار ناهيك عن قلة المبلغ الذى يتقاضة العامل كمعاش والذى يسمى تكافل كما يعانى عمال المصنع من عدم الاخذ فى الاعتبار المؤهل عند التعين Factor yarn shop is sometimes run more than five machines, in addition to discounts successive plant workers and a few neighbors let alone the lack amount pay pensions group, which called Takaful factory workers are also suffering from not taking into account the qualification when Recruitment عمال غزل المحلة يعملون فى ظل ظروف غاية فى الصعوبة الاهمال نصيبه فلا تقدم الخدمات الصحية للعمال فمستشفى ام المصرين التابعة للشركة مثال لللاهمال لا رعاية صحية ولاة اهتمام بصحةة العمال فى صناعة من ا كثر الصناعت خطرا حيث تنشر فيها امراض الصدر والعيون Spinning Mahala workers are working under very difficult circumstances neglect share not provide health services to workers or Haj Hospital of the company is an example of Lihamal health care and the attention of rulers Beshah workers in the industry Alsnaat much of a threat as published by the chest and eye diseases كانت هتافات العمال واحاديثهم افضل معبر عن احوال الشركة واحوال العمال الذين يعشون معاناة من جراء ووسؤ ظروف العمل فى الشركة وغلاء المعيشة The workers chanted and conversations best expression of the company's conditions and the conditions of workers who Iehun suffering as a result of advice and working conditions at the company and the cost of living تميز الاضراب الاخير بان قيادتة شابة وغير مسيسة لا تنتمى لاى تيار سياسى كما كان اضراب غزل المحلة اضرابا مطلبى متعلق بحق من حقوق الاعمال الا وهو حقهم فى المكافاة المترتب على حقهم فى مكاسب الشركةالتى حققها العمال . Distinguish the strike last that his young, non-politicized does not belong to any political trend as a strike Spinning Mahala strike demands on the right of human actions, namely their right to reward their impact on the gains achieved Acharkhalti workers. ستستمر التحركات العمالية فى مصانع مصر وخاصة فى ظل توجة الدولة الى بيع القطاع العام وخصخصتة او تحويلة الى قطاع اعمال عام تمهيدا لبيعة او تصفيتة والذى يتاتى مع تللك السياسة انخفاض الاجور والانقضاض على حقوقهم من حوافز وبدلات ومكافات ولعل الامثلة واضحة فشركة النصر تم تصفيتها لتنخسر شركة من اهم الشركات فى قطاع الانتاج الهندسى وشركة تليمصر فى ذات القطاع تم بيعها والانقضاض على حقوق عمالها وهى فى طريقها الى التصفية وغيرها الكثير كمصنع البطاريات Labour movements in Egypt and factories, especially in light directed the state to sell the public sector and privatized or transferred to the business sector in preparation for sale or liquidated, which comes with Tllk policy of low wages and jump the rights of incentives and allowances and bonuses Perhaps examples and clear victory company was liquidated for Tnkhosr company the most important companies in the production sector and the engineering company Talimsr in the same sector was sold and the rights of workers to jump on the way to liquidation and many other Vegas batteries ستتسمر اضربات العمال واحتجاتهم ضد التشريد والتعسف والقهر الذى تمارسة الدولة لتحرم العمال من لقمة العيش والعمل وتنسحب من مسؤليتها فى التصنيع لتترك السوق لشركات اخرى مللك لكبار رجال الاعمال او لللشركات متعددة الجنسيات وعابرة للقارات يستمر النظام فى الخصخصة تارك العمال فريسة للفقر وتارك المستهللك فريسة للشركات التابعة لكبار رجال اعمال شركاء الطغمة الحاكمة فى قهر الشعب تتنوع الاساليب ولكن القهر واحد . Sttzmr Adharbat workers and Ahtjathm against displacement and abuse and oppression by the State to deprive workers of their living and working and withdraw from Mselitha in manufacturing leaving the market to other companies Mellk of senior businessmen or Charkat multinational and intercontinental missiles continue the one who does not in the privatization of workers into poverty and one who does not Almsthllk prey to the affiliates for senior businessmen partners junta in oppressing people whose methods and oppression but one.